En faglig voldgift fandt, at opsigelsen af en tillidsrepræsentant som følge af sygefravær grundet senfølger efter COVID-19 var berettiget.
Rematerialisering: Kunstnerisk happening eller bortvisningsgrund?
Det var berettiget at bortvise en postdoc ansat på Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Billedkunstskoler for at skubbe en gipsbuste af Frederik den 5. i Københavns Havn.
Et kald på handling
En medarbejder kunne ikke tildeles en advarsel for at anklage sin chef for at lyve, fordi anklagen var sand, og fordi den ikke var fremsat på en utilbørligt grov måde.
Et grænsetilfælde …
Et afskedigelsesnævn fandt, at opsigelsen af en pædagogisk leder begrundet i sygefravær var uberettiget.
Chikane mod offentligt ansatte
En borger blev idømt 6 måneders ubetinget fængselsstraf for chikane mod offentligt ansatte.
Aftale om at fremme offentligt ansattes ytringsfrihed
Regeringen, SF, R, Ø og DF har indgået en aftale om at fremme offentligt ansattes ytringsfrihed – herunder ved at lovfæste retten til at ytre sig frit.
Flere samtaler, men ingen omplacering
En kommune havde opfyldt sin forpligtelse til at søge en overtallig medarbejder med rutineprægede administrative opgaver af lettere karakter omplaceret.
Lovforslag om styrket beskyttelse af offentligt ansatte i sager om aktindsigt sendt i høring
Regeringen har sendt et lovforslag i høring, der har til formål at beskytte offentligt ansatte mod at få udleveret deres navn igennem aktindsigtsanmodninger med chikanøse hensigter.
Bortvisning af en lærer, som under en sygemelding flyttede fra Grønland til Bornholm, var ikke berettiget. Det fastslog Højesteret i denne sag.
Tilsidesættelse af handlepligt
Det var sagligt at opsige en ergoterapeut på et bosted, som undlod uden unødigt ophold at videregive information til en sundhedsfaglig kollega.
Summary dismissal for breach of the duty of confidentiality
A social and healthcare worker’s disclosure of confidential information to the daughter of a citizen did not justify summary dismissal.
Dragged down by the desk
The employer was not liable for an industrial accident where a defective desk collapsed and dragged an employee down with it.
New publication from Ius Laboris
The publication provides insight into some of the most interesting international trends seen in relation to employment law and the workforce of the future and, thus, harnesses the great knowledge and expertise of Ius Laboris lawyers in 56 member countries.
The Government’s legislative programme for 2024/2025
The first Tuesday of October marked the start of the new parliamentary year and, in the usual way, the Government introduced its legislative programme for the parliamentary year 2024/2025.
Double discrimination against part-time workers
The ECJ recently found that a provision in a German collective agreement on overtime pay potentially violated the prohibition of discrimination against part-time employees as well as the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of gender.
Criticism was too harsh
The summary dismissal of an employee who had sharply criticised her employer and several identifiable colleagues in a closed staff group on Facebook was justified.
Long-term prospects
A municipality was justified in dismissing an employee due to the long-term prospects of her returning to work after sickness absence.
Did the employer show care or inaction?
A security company had not forfeited the right to summarily dismiss an employee, even though the company did not summarily dismiss the employee until more than 3 weeks after the company became aware that the employee had set up and operated a competing business.
Reference register – no objections
According to the assessment of the Data Protection Agency, there were no grounds for the Agency to initiate a case against a municipality based on the establishment of a reference register.
Adjustments to the Gender Equality Act to ease administration in the public sector – bill sent out for consultation
A draft bill that proposes to abolish gender equality statements and to simplify rules on the gender composition on boards of directors has been sent out for consultation. The new rules are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2025.