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Monitoring employees’ social media: the legislation in a global perspective
In a new article, Ius Laboris takes a closer look at the issue of whether employers can monitor employees’ social media posts
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Increasingly, employers are being made aware of employee misconduct that is evidenced by photos, videos or other social media posts. But what legal issues should employers pay special attention to when using such posts?
Employee posts as a source of information
Employee posts on social media can be interesting for employers in several situations. It may be that an employee reports that a colleague who is supposedly on sick leave is in fact on a holiday, that the employer fears being criticised by employees on social media, or that internal confidential company information could be published. In these situations, employees’ social media profiles can be a source of information for the employer. But what exactly are employers allowed to do?
The article is based on the situation in Germany, and Norrbom Vinding has, together with the Ius Laboris members firms in 18 other countries, provided comments on the legislative status. The article is free and can be found on the Ius Laboris website:
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