Om os

Norrbom Vinding er Skandinaviens største og Danmarks førende advokatfirma inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten







Norrbom Vinding drives som et interessentskab, og den overordnede ledelse varetages af partnergruppen. I det daglige varetages ledelsen af en managing partner og en administrationschef.

Managing partnerChristian K. Clasen

Administrationschef Inge Aas Lawaetz

Om os

Norrbom Vinding er et advokatfirma, som yder rådgivning inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesret til virksomheder og offentlige myndigheder.

Vi har gjort det til vores mål og vores vision altid at være de bedste inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesret i Danmark og det naturlige førstevalg som samarbejdspartner for private og offentlige virksomheder.

Vi har lagt vægt på at nå en størrelse og en bredde, som gør, at vi i dag har advokater i vores virksomhed, som er specialiserede i de forskellige juridiske områder, vi dækker, men som også har stort kendskab til de fleste brancher.

Vi regnes i dag for førende inden for vores felt, hvilket vi er stolte af, og vi opererer i dag såvel nationalt som internationalt – internationalt igennem en række samarbejdspartnere, herunder igennem alliancen Ius Laboris, der rummer 1.500 specialiserede advokater inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesret i 56 lande.


Norrbom Vinding blev etableret i 1998, men firmaets historik og erfaring går helt tilbage til 1980’erne, hvor vores partnere var blandt pionererne i udviklingen af arbejds- og ansættelsesret som et arbejdsområde for uafhængige advokater i Danmark.

Firmaets formkurve har været støt stigende lige siden. Medarbejderstaben er vokset med cirka 400 % og omsætningen med cirka 700 %

Arbejds- og ansættelsesretten har også udviklet sig. Området er i dag meget komplekst. Dyb viden om kollektive overenskomster, ansættelsesret og EU-ret er fundamentet. Men i dag drejer arbejds- og ansættelsesret sig også om skat, social sikring, immigration, persondata, fysisk og psykisk arbejdsmiljø, IP-rettigheder, specialdiskrimination, incentive-programmer, pension, ESG og meget, meget mere.

Norrbom Vinding dækker i dag alle de felter, hvor virksomheder og offentlige myndigheder har behov for rådgivning i forhold til medarbejdere og lønmodtagerorganisationer. Vi råder over eksperter inden for alle dele af specialet – og vel at mærke eksperter, der har det klassiske fundament i orden.

Vores kunnen baserer sig på mere end 30 års erfaring på ekspertniveau inden for området – vi har været med hele vejen og er stadig forrest i udviklingen af nye områder.


  1. 1984 

    Mariann Norrbom begynder sin specialisering og medvirker til udvikling af arbejds- og ansættelsesret som selvstændig disciplin for advokater

  2. 1990

    Mariann Norrbom og Jørgen Vinding m.fl. indgår i et af de store advokathuse og udvikler her landets største specialafdeling for arbejds- og ansættelsesret

  3. 1998

    Med Mariann Norrbom i spidsen som managing partner etableres Norrbom Vinding som advokatfirma målrettet arbejds- og ansættelsesretlig bistand til virksomheder og myndigheder

  4. 2001

    Norrbom Vinding indtræder i den internationale alliance Ius Laboris

  5. 2008

    Norrbom Vinding runder 10 år og har udviklet sig til at være Skandinaviens største og Danmarks førende advokatfirma på sit felt

  6. 2017

    Jørgen Vinding bliver managing partner

  7. 2023

    Christian K. Clasen overtager posten som managing partner 

  8. 2023

    Norrbom Vinding har 25-årsjubilæum

Visioner og værdier

Vi vil altid være de bedste inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesret i Danmark og det naturlige førstevalg som samarbejdspartner for private og offentlige virksomheder.

Vi lægger vægt på at være kendt for høj kvalitet og har etik i vores rådgivning.

Samtidig lægger vi vægt på at være kendt for at vise respekt for de opgaver, vi bliver stillet, respekt for klienten, men også respekt for den medarbejder, den advokat og den organisation, som måtte være på den anden side i en sag, forhandling eller lignende.

Internt i vores virksomhed lægger vi vægt på sammenhold, omsorg og respekt for hinanden, og det er en del af vores værdisæt, at alle led i fødekæden er lige væsentlige, for at vi kan levere det optimale produkt og den optimale rådgivning til vores klienter.


Norrbom Vinding er tilsluttet FN’s Global Compact, og vi driver derfor vores virksomhed og tilrettelægger vores rådgivning med respekt af de ti overordnede principper inden for menneske- og arbejdstagerrettigheder, miljø og korruption, som er sat på den internationale dagsorden af FN.

Vi støtter Læger uden Grænser og PlanBørnefonden i et tæt samarbejde med de to organisationer. Norrbom Vinding er således Læger uden Grænser og PlanBørnefondens partner i arbejds- og ansættelsesretlige problemstillinger, som disse organisationer måtte støde på.

“Læger uden Grænser eksisterer for at redde liv ved at yde lægehjælp, hvor der er mest brug for det – i væbnede konflikter, epidemier, hungersnød og naturkatastrofer. Alle disse situationer kræver en hurtig reaktion med engageret, specialiseret medicinsk og logistisk hjælp støttet af en professionel administrativ organisation. Med sin dedikerede indsats og uvurderlige HR-juridiske tjenester har Norrbom Vinding gjort det muligt for os at fokusere al vores energi på det, vi er her for: at levere uafhængig humanitær bistand til de befolkninger, der har størst behov. På vegne af Læger uden Grænser, tak. Tusind tak.”

– Malin Palmér, direktør, Médecins Sans Frontiéres

“Vi sætter stor pris på samarbejdet med Norrbom Vinding, som siden 2012 har doneret gratis rådgivning og support inden for deres juridiske specialområder. Det betyder meget for PlanBørnefonden at arbejde sammen med partnere som Norrbom Vinding og deres engagerede medarbejdere, som på denne måde bakker op om vores arbejde for at sikre børn og unges rettigheder og muligheder i verdens mest skrøbelige områder.”

– Birgitte Klæsøe, Head of People & Culture, PlanBørnefonden



Customer Relationship Management er for os en del af dagligdagen. Vi ønsker og arbejder på at vedligeholde og udbygge relationerne til vores klienter.

Viden om klienten og klientens branche er fundamentet for den dialog, al rådgivning starter med. Derfor følger vi med i, hvad der sker hos vores klienter og de brancher, vores klienter driver virksomhed inden for.

Alle klienter er tilknyttet en eller flere partnere, som har ansvaret for klientrelationen, og vi har som målsætning løbende at mødes med vores faste klienter for at sikre, at vi indfrier forventningerne.

I tillæg til relationen til partnerkredsen vil klienter typisk også være knyttet til en advokat.

Vores mål er, at der altid vil være en partner/advokat, som kan tage telefonen, når du ringer.

Alle klienter tilbydes at modtage vores elektroniske nyhedsbrev, som giver en løbende opdatering på nyheder inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten, tilbydes deltagelse i morgenmøder om aktuelle problemstillinger og tilbydes deltagelse i de netværk, som vi har nedsat inden for en række brancher.


“Vi ønsker og arbejder på at vedligeholde og udbygge relationerne til vores klienter”


The best in the market … Norrbom Vinding er det advokatfirma i Danmark, som konsekvent vurderes som ledende eller som markedsleder inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesret, og vi er det advokatfirma, der rummer flest advokater, der vurderes som førende i Danmark inden for vores felt.

  1. 2023

    What the team is known for

    Norrbom Vinding remains an employment powerhouse, with practitioners specialised in all areas of labour law acting for large blue-chip companies. The law firm notably advises on discrimination cases and investigations into employee misconduct. The department also handles collective redundancies arising from restructuring processes. The team routinely advises employers on the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements with trade unions, and also assists with employment-related disputes, including arbitration proceedings.


    Chambers Europe received the following feedback in the research process: “It doesn’t get any better in labour law than Norrbom Vinding. The lawyers have deep knowledge in every corner of employment law, and you never have to wait for answers” and “Norrbom Vinding are extremely good at handling complex matters, always with both a legal and a business approach. The law firm is second to none in its field of expertise“.

    Work highlights

    Norrbom Vinding represented SAS in a class action case relating to a claim for back-payment of pension supplement from approximately 300 retired cabin attendants

    Notable practitioners

    Jørgen Vinding commands respect for his extensive experience in the employment field. His expertise covers a wide array of employment mandates, including high-profile harassment claims.

    Christian K. Clasen advises on collective bargaining agreements and company reorganisations, including collective redundancies. He is also experienced in remuneration disputes and pensions-related class action lawsuits. "Christian knows our business very well and has the ability to discuss any problem and see it not only from a legal point of view."

    Yvonne Frederiksen has particular expertise in workplace discrimination and harassment cases. She also advises on collective bargaining processes and agreements."Yvonne Frederiksen is an excellent lawyer. She makes sure that everybody knows what is going on, and she can translate difficult legal issues into understandable terms, which is a unique gift."

    The ‘excellent boutique labour law practice‘ at Norrbom Vinding solely acts for management in matters concerning HR restructuring processes, discrimination allegations and external investigations. Jørgen Vinding and Christian K. Clasen jointly lead the team; Vinding assists clients in the semi-public and public sectors, in addition to foreign organisations which seek advice on setting up and conducting business within Denmark, and Clasen’s areas of expertise include industrial relations and collective bargaining mandates. Yvonne Frederiksen focuses on dispensing advice relating to discrimination law, restrictive covenants, and collective bargaining, and often appears before the Supreme Court in discrimination disputes.


    ‘Excellent boutique labour law practice with efficient and very professional employment lawyers. The team deliver very high quality advice.’

    Torben Hededal and Sara Baldus are very professional and customer oriented.’

    ‘The firm provides incredibly wise and competent advice, so that matters are handled correctly from the start. It is extremely valuable.’

    Elsebeth Aas-Jørgensen has an incredibly sharp legal analytical sense and is second to none when it comes to analysing difficult legal issues.’

  2. 2022

    What the team is known for

    Norrbom Vinding remains an employment powerhouse, with practitioners specialised in all areas of labour law. The department notably advises public sector clients, including municipal governments, on discrimination cases and investigations into employee misconduct. The law firm also handles collective redundancies arising from restructuring processes. The team routinely advises employers on the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements with trade unions and contract negotiations. The firm also assists with employment-related disputes.


    One source notes the firm's "strong litigation presence".

    Another interviewee hails the firm's commercial awareness as "absolutely one of its strongest abilities".

    Work highlights

    Norrbom Vinding assisted the Social Democratic Party with handling reports of offensive behaviour from people within the party, including an investigation of multiple sexual harassment claims against the former Lord Mayor of Copenhagen.

    Notable practitioners

    Christian K. Clasen advises on collective bargaining agreements, wage compensation schemes and pension-related class action lawsuits.

    The eminent Jørgen Vinding commands respect for his extensive experience in the employment field. His expertise covers a wide array of employment mandates, including harassment claims, dismissals and negotiations with trade unions.

    Yvonne Frederiksen attracts praise for her particular expertise in workplace discrimination disputes. She is also well placed to advise on health and safety issues, as well as on restructuring processes including related collective redundancies.

    Norrbom Vinding ‘belongs, without any doubt, to the first tier within employment law’. The boutique labour and employment law firm acts exclusively for management and provides a full-service offering, including in specialist sub-areas such as industrial relations, discrimination claims, data protection issues and social security matters. Highly experienced litigator Jørgen Vinding leads the team and regularly represents clients before the Supreme Court and the Labour Court. Other notable names include Christian K. Clasen, who specialises in collective bargaining and collective redundancy processes, and discrimination law expert Yvonne Frederiksen.


    ‘They understand our business and take it into consideration when they answer. Always professional and fast.’

    ‘Norrbom Vinding belongs without any doubt to the first tier within employment law. They were the first boutique firm within employment law and today they are in my opinion still the only actor among the boutique firms who, when it comes to handling the big complex matters, are able to compete with the top-tier full-service firms.’

    ‘Understands your organization fully and provides valid advice on the full plate coving not only employment law but also the regulatory framework and tax handling.’

    Yvonne Frederiksen is an internationally acknowledged lawyer in the field of equality rights. Always up to date end even more. Always keen to help. Always in scope with her counselling.’

    Christian K. Clasen is an outstanding lawyer, especially on collective bargaining. To the point and with a sharp eye on both the law and business matters. Extremely holistic in his counselling.’

    Jørgen Vinding – one of the founders and renowned for his general knowledge and superb counselling.’

    ‘They always deliver solid employment law advice and always in a timely and swift manner. They have the whole employment law area covered, including specialists in the areas that so often brush against employment law – i.e. GDPR and tax law. They stand out in their willingness to organize free seminars and knowledge exchange groups among clients, which entails they know their clients well, and we benefit from other clients experiences.’

  3. 2021

    What the team is known for

    Employment powerhouse with practitioners specialised in all areas of labour law. Advises public sector clients on discrimination cases and investigations into employee misconduct. Handles collective redundancies arising from restructuring processes. Advises employers on the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements with trade unions and contract negotiations. Also assists with employment-related disputes.


    Sources describe the firm's lawyers as "market leaders" in the Danish employment market.

    Work highlights

    Advised SAS Group on collective bargaining agreements.

    Notable practitioners

    Christian K. Clasen is "responsive and knows how to provide practical advice," according to satisfied clients. He advises on collective bargaining agreements, wage compensation schemes and pension-related class action lawsuits.
    The "outstanding" Jørgen Vinding commands respect for his extensive experience in the employment field. His expertise covers a wide array of employment mandates, including harassment claims, dismissals and negotiations with trade unions.
    Yvonne Frederiksen attracts praise for her particular expertise in workplace discrimination disputes. She is also well placed to advise on health and safety issues, as well as on restructuring processes including related collective redundancies.

  4. 2020

    What the team is known for

    Employment powerhouse with practitioners specialised in all areas of labour law. Advises public sector clients on discrimination cases and investigations into employee misconduct. Handles collective redundancies arising from restructuring processes. Advises employers on the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements with trade unions, contract negotiations and plan implementation. Also assists with disputes, including arbitration proceedings.


    Sources highlight that the firm's lawyers "know the field very well and always offer very strict legal advice followed by a recommendation on how to move on in a case."

    Sources also appreciate that the firm's lawyers are "always available at short notice, understand their clients and their wishes, and are willing to be flexible."

    Work highlights

    Successfully represented the Municipality of Billund against a claim that its dismissal of an employee contravened anti-discrimination legislation.

    Notable practitioners

    Christian K. Clasen advises clients across employment and immigration law issues, including collective bargaining and class actions. Clients praise him, highlighting that he "understands the business, answers fast and has excellent skills in labour law." They also note that he is "very bright and nice to work with."

    Jørgen Vinding advises on employment investigations, arbitration proceedings and collective bargaining negotiations, representing both public and private sector clients.

    Yvonne Frederiksen assists clients with collective bargaining schemes, discrimination disputes and employment transfers. She is described as "strong in immigration," and sources say: "She has the cases and she does a good job."


    They are ALWAYS on top of everything within their fields of expertise. Their advice is both legally correct and sound – and their understanding of their role as lawyers and advisers is the best there is. The firm is second to none in Denmark, and their Ius Laboris membership offers great and professional help should you have the need for such advice

    Very competent team that understands the customer’s needs

    Norrbom Vinding really stands out compared to many other law firms we are working with. Being a boutique firm for employment law, they have been able to create a very professional and skilled team with a high profile and deep knowledge of all aspects of employment law in Denmark

    Jørgen Vinding, managing partner. In control. Smart. Pleasant. Runs everything to the highest standards. You feel and know that he is in on everything important

    Yvonne Frederiksen is outstanding and very good in her field of expertise. In fact the best. Extremely pleasant to work with

    Christian K. Clasen is bright, fast with his responses. Always with an eye on the business part of the cases

    We are extremely happy with Yvonne Frederiksen. Her advice is very hands on and usable for our members. She makes an effort to understand our business, and can translate complex law to non-lawyers. She makes sure that the clients are calm and fully prepared before court. Furthermore she is an extremely skilled lawyer, and you always feel confident with her advice. We highly recommend her

    Jørgen Vinding, Yvonne Frederiksen and Christian K. Clasen are the sort of lawyers that give the law community a good reputation

    They are all extremely talented not only in employment law matters but also the practical aspects of delivering advice to clients. Yvonne Frederiksen is also well known for advising on complex discrimination matters

  5. 2019

    What the team is known for

    Employment powerhouse with practitioners specialised in all areas of labour law. Attracts attention for advice to public sector clients on discrimination cases and investigations into employee misconduct. Handles collective redundancies arising from restructuring processes. Advises employers on the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements with trade unions. Also assists with the drafting of incentive schemes for international employers.


    One client notes the team's "ability to link solutions to our actual business needs."

    "The lawyers are extremely precise in their statements," enthuses another client, adding: "We are always given clear direction."

    Work highlights

    Assisted the Danish Football Association with the negotiation of new employment agreements for the under-21 women's and men's national teams. The firm advised on negotiations with the players' union.

    Notable practitioners

    Christian K. Clasen has a broad practice but is specifically noted in the market for his advice on negotiations with unions. He advises on collective bargaining agreements and the implementation of restructuring processes. Clasen offers additional expertise in class actions brought by employees.

    Jørgen Vinding is the department head and is well known for his advice to public sector clients. He assisted the Capital Region of Denmark with an investigation into the actions of government employees in the award of a concession for the construction of a hospital.

    Morten Langer is widely recognised as a leading figure in the Danish market. "He is always available and is ready to give input that is tailor-made to our situation," says one client, while another reports: "He is extremely highly skilled and solution-oriented." Langer has broad experience extending from the enforcement of restrictive covenants through to negotiations with unions for the introduction of new employment agreements. He also assists companies with the design of cross-border long-term incentive schemes, as demonstrated by his advice to Carlsberg on its global equity incentive plan.

    Yvonne Frederiksen attracts considerable attention for her handling of significant discrimination cases. "There is no single anti-discrimination law matter that she is not on top of," states one interviewee, adding: "She makes complex cases understandable for her clients." She also leads non-contentious matters relating to M&A transactions, including the transfer of employees and the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements.

  6. 2018

    What the team is known for
    Employment powerhouse with practitioners specialised in all areas of labour law. Discrimination, redundancies, incentive schemes and terminations are areas of focus. Expertise also includes tax, social security and pensions advice. Also active in employment disputes, including class action cases. Advises on collective bargaining issues, including in business restructuring cases, as well as professional misconduct matters. Regularly represents municipalities as well as private employers.

    Strengths Clients are keen to compliment the firm's business-minded approach, with a client saying: "What I very much appreciate is the possibility of having a dialogue about the solutions," adding that the lawyers are very pragmatic.

    Work highlights Advised SAS Group on the class action filed by more than 300 retired cabin attendants involving an issue of the pension supplement.

    Represented the Municipality of Billund in court proceedings against the claim of an alleged unlawful dismissal on the ground of an employee's obesity.

    Notable practitioners

    Department head and eminent practitioner Jørgen Vinding often acts for clients coming from the public sector, advising them on investigations and dispute resolution. Peers describe him as a strong litigator.

    Top-ranked employment lawyer Morten Langer advises clients on the full gamut of labour law issues, with a specific focus on cross-jurisdictional matters, including collective redundancies and bonus schemes. He is particularly highlighted for his experience and capabilities as a litigator.

    Yvonne Frederiksen holds specific expertise in employment matters involving discrimination as well as health and safety issues, representing municipalities and private companies. "She is not afraid to be frank and give a straight answer," a client reports.

    Christian K. Clasen is a versatile labour lawyer with a notable expertise in collective bargaining agreements, strategic conflict management and business transfers. He successfully represented the Danish football league association in the dispute with the Danish Football Players' Association regarding a collective agreement."

    (Chambers Europe 2018)

  7. 2017

    What the team is known for
    Employment powerhouse with practitioners specialised in all areas of labour law. Discrimination, redundancies, incentive schemes and terminations are areas of focus, in addition to assisting clients with employment-related disputes. Expertise also includes tax, social security and pensions advice. Recent projects have included advice on compliance with working environment regulations, collective redundancy matters and arbitration proceedings.

    Strengths One client reports that the firm “possesses a high level of expert knowledge in the field. Furthermore, they are available whenever prompt assistance is required.”

    Work highlights Represented employer organisation Local Government Denmark in a case concerning the dismissal of employees during illness.

    Significant clients SAS Group, DSB, Rockwool, TV 2, LEGO System.

    Notable practitioners

    Eminent practitioner Mariann Norrbom brings extensive experience to all forms of employment matters. She regularly acts as a litigator on behalf of multinational companies as well as public authorities and financial institutions and as an arbitrator in employment matters. Morten Langer regularly advises international employers on cross-border matters including collective redundancies and restructures. He also assists with bonus and incentive schemes. Clients value their collaboration with him, saying: “He is skilled, knowledgeable, pragmatic and solution-oriented.” One client professes that he is “our go-to person for solving complex issues.” Jørgen Vinding is described as “fantastic” by sources. He works often with public authorities and privatised companies on labour law issues and handles investigations, arbitration and disputes. His past work includes defending the Municipality of Billund in the ’Obesity Case’ concerning the dismissal of an employee. Christian K. Clasen is noted by clients for his strength in this area. He regularly advises on transfers of undertakings as well as collective bargaining and collective redundancy processes. He defended SAS against injunction proceedings brought by Ryanair. Yvonne Frederiksen’s areas of focus include discrimination issues and industrial relations. She often acts for municipalities and has recently advised clients on the regulation of the working environment. Clients say: “She has a holistic approach to HR, which means that the solutions she suggest prove to be durable.” (Chambers Europe 2017)

    "Considered a ‘standout’ employment boutique, Norrbom Vinding handles all aspects of employment law, including litigation before all levels of the Danish court. Yvonne Frederiksen has been representing the Municipality of Billund in a significant dispute regarding allegations of discrimination before the High Court of Western Denmark. The group, led by Mariann Norrbom, includes ‘brilliant litigator’ Jørgen Vinding."

    (Legal 500 – 2017)

  8. 2016

    What the team is known for
    Employment powerhouse with practitioners specialised in all areas of labour law. Discrimination, redundancies, incentive schemes and terminations are areas of focus, in addition to assisting clients with employment-related disputes. Expertise also includes tax, social security and pensions advice.

    Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients)

    "We are very satisfied with these lawyers; they are responsive, accessible and they give reliable advice."

    "The lawyers have built a good understanding of our business and they give sound and commercially viable advice."

    What's new?

    Pandora Group, Paramount Pictures and F.C. Copenhagen are among a raft of new additions to the client roster.

    Work highlights Defended the municipality of Billund in the "Obesity Case" involving Discrimination Law and EU regulations. Successfully represented the SAS Group in a landmark case before the Supreme Court concerning age discrimination.

    Notable practitioners

    Mariann Norrbom has extensive experience in employment law, particularly in advising public authorities and financial institutions.

    Morten Langer advises on all aspects of employment law, with particular expertise in international work, collective redundancies, bonus and incentives. Clients say: "I think he is excellent, and what I value is that he sees the problem right away, and he is not hung up on the detail but on the outcome. He thinks outside the box and is very solution-oriented."

    Jørgen Vinding is an experienced practitioner dedicated to handling complex employment cases. Recent highlights include defending Falck Danmark in a case related to the EU Working Time Directive.

    Christian K. Clasen works primarily on industrial relations, collective bargaining and redundancies as well as strategic conflict management. He advised the Danish League Association in a collective bargaining procedure.

    Yvonne Frederiksen is regarded as a leading lawyer for matters related to discrimination. She recently defended the municipality of Bornholm in a case related to the interpretation of the collective agreement governing employment relationships. Clients say: "I normally call her for very complex and technical matters, as I get very detailed advice and analysis."

    (Chambers Europe 2016)

    "‘Highly professional’ firm Norrbom Vinding provides ‘very useful advice’ on all aspects of employment law. Yvonne Frederiksen, who is ‘one of the best within all discrimination issues in Denmark’, is representing Local Government Denmark (an employer organisation that represents all 98 Danish municipalities) in a case concerning obesity discrimination before the European Court of Justice.

    Jørgen Vinding often acts for clients in the public sector. Mariann Norrbom heads the practice.

    (Legal 500 - 2016)

  9. 2015

    What the team is known for

    Highly regarded employment boutique with considerable experience in litigation, particularly with regard to collective bargaining, discrimination and data protection. Also noted for its incentives expertise, especially in the media, aviation, financial and pharmaceutical industries.

    Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients)

    "I think it's excellent; it knows pretty much everything in this area. It can always answer your questions and always has an expert in the right area."

    "The firm is always very forthcoming and knows your situation when it advises you. It's always very quick too - always ready to assist."

    Work highlights Representing the SAS Group in several court cases relating to age discrimination claims.

    Representing the Danish League Association in a collective bargaining process regarding agreements covering football players employed at professional clubs in Denmark.

    Notable practitioners

    Mariann Norrbom is described as "the queen of employment law in Denmark; she's a great strategist with a very good standing." Norrbom has extensive experience, particularly in employment litigation and arbitration.

    Morten Langer is well regarded for his expertise in non-compete clauses and bonus schemes. Clients say he "understands how to put his legal advice into practical terms, tailoring it to fit the reality of the client."

    The "very bright and very quick" Jørgen Vinding is appreciated by clients for his "special strength of viewing legal matters in a political context and advising accordingly." Recent highlights include representing Local Government Denmark in a case concerning a nationwide lockout involving teachers.

    Christian K. Clasen has "broad knowledge, calls you back fast and always gives good advice," according to clients. Another interviewee states: "He can see the case from different points of view; he is a good all-round consultant." Clasen is noted for his expertise in discrimination and collective bargaining matters.

    Yvonne Frederiksen specialises in employment contract issues and discrimination claims. Clients have "only good things to say about her," describing her as "always forthcoming and helpful."

    (Chambers Europe - 2015)

    “At Norrbom Vinding, Mariann Norrbom’s recent work includes developing remuneration schemes for clients in the financial services industry and Jørgen Vinding has undertaken a significant amount of litigation for public sector clients, such as Local Government Denmark. Yvonne Frederiksen specialises in discrimination law. Morten Langer is recommended.”

    (Legal 500 - 2015)

  10. 2014

    Leading Danish employment boutique.
    Expertise covers a broad range of sectors including pharmaceuticals, aviation, finance and media. Particular aptitude for collective bargaining agreements.

    Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients)

    "The firm is known for having the best employment lawyers."

    "The team has standout quality and efficiency. It is a really strong firm."

    Notable practitioners

    Managing partner Mariann Norrbom is seen as a "world-class" practitioner. Market commentators widely agree on the importance of her influence on the Danish employment sector.

    Morten Langer is a "wonderful lawyer," say sources, who praise him for his "strong record advising on restrictive covenants." He is also skilled with interim injunctions and incentive schemes.

    Sources highlight Jørgen Vinding as a "brilliant litigator." He is praised as "service-minded and very responsive," and enjoys a strong reputation for arbitration cases.

    Commentators agree Christian K. Clasen is a "very bright lawyer," and is widely respected for his collective bargaining expertise. He has particular knowledge of advising clients from the sports sector.

    One client describes Yvonne Frederiksen as "one of the most employer-friendly representatives in Denmark." She is also noted for her prowess on discrimination mandates."

    (Chambers Europe - 2014)

    "Clients rate employment boutique Norrbom Vinding as ‘absolutely the best’. Yvonne Frederiksen successfully defended the Danish Employees’ Guarantee Fund in a High Court case concerning termination during parental leave. Jørgen Vinding successfully represented Local Government Denmark in the Danish Labour Court. Morten Langer is assisting H Lundbeck with restructuring in 21 countries. Mariann Norrbom represents DONG Energy, and Christian K. Clasen advises SAS Group."

    (Legal 500 - 2014)

  11. 2013

    “This pre-eminent group is held in high esteem by sources, who highlight the team’s ability to provide holistic advice to each client…

    Sources say: ”A very experienced team – the lawyers really know what they are doing. The best in the market.”

    Managing partner Mariann Norrbom “… has a deep understanding of business and communication. She is incredible on high-profile cases.”

    Jørgen Vinding is praised for his “strong standing in the market”.

    Christian K. Clasen "earns rave reviews from commentators for “his outstanding capabilities in collective bargaining agreements” and earns praise “…for being “extremely good at analysing a case quickly”, for his talent in negotiations, and for his ability to “really break the issue down into understandable pieces.””

    In addition, Yvonne Frederiksen “is making a name for herself on discrimination cases.”

    (The European Legal 500 – 2013)

    “Employment boutique Norrbom Vinding’s “specialist, service-minded” team acts for major clients…”

    (Chambers Europe – 2013)

  12. 2012

    “This specialist teams remains in the top tier for employment law…”

    Sources say: “A brilliant, number-one team with very bright people.” Morten Langer is praised for doing “… an exceptional job – he has a very experienced way of handling cases”, whilst Mariann Norrbom is hailed as “the queen of employment law in Denmark.” Peers say Jørgen Vinding is “dedicated and excellent”, especially when it comes to employment litigation work. Sources rate Christian K. Clasen for his international expertise, whilst Yvonne Frederiksen stands out for her work on discrimination and unfair dismissal cases.”

    (Chambers Europe – 2012)

    “Employment boutique Norrbom Vinding’s “highly skilled, professional” team shows “in-depth business understanding”, and acts for major clients…”

    (The European Legal 500 – 2012)

  13. 2011

    “Litigation is a cornerstone of this firm’s practice, and the team has witnessed a rise in complex employment disputes…

    Sources say: “The lawyers are much broader in their advice than the others.”” Mariann Norrbom and Jørgen Vinding are regarded as ““extremely significant players” in the market and “outstanding in their fields of expertise.”” Morten Langer is praised for “his increased market visibility and recent participation in a number of high-profile cases". He “is a fantastic litigator: always available, very much hands-on and knows this area incredibly well.””

    (Chambers Europe – 2011)

    “Employment boutique Norrbom Vinding’s “strong team” has “sufficient depth to cover challenging tasks in a demanding time frame”.”

    (The European Legal 500 – 2011)

  14. 2010

    “A dedicated employment firm, Norrbom Vinding is applauded for the “high-quality specialised advice” it delivers, and is widely regarded by peers as an “absolute standout” for its comprehensive expertise and experience. The team has an excellent reputation for litigation, presenting many cases at Supreme Court level, and also focuses on restructuring processes, discrimination matters and collective bargaining agreements. Mariann Norrbom is held in high esteem both in Denmark and internationally, and is particularly renowned for her work in the financial sector. Sources say she “always gets the very best results for her clients.” Jørgen Vinding has the ability to deliver “legally sound advice with a commercial and pragmatic edge.”” In addition, Morten Langer “is highly respected for his work in restructurings, collective redundancies and individual contracts". He is praised for being “business-oriented, quick and always available.”" Clients highlight Christian K. Clasen's excellent knowledge of collective bargaining agreements and have confidence in his ability to understand their business needs: “He has a great ability to see the legal aspects from the client’s point of view.””

    (Chambers Europe – 2010)

    “Employment boutique Norrbom Vinding maintains its market-leading position, offering “high-level specialist advice”.”

    (The European Legal 500 – 2010)

  15. 2009

    “As the only firm in the sector to focus entirely on employment, this outfit enjoys an exclusive position in the Danish employment market. Commentators say: "It's outstanding – this is a strong boutique with a sizeable team of skilled partners doing employment work on the national and international stage." The firm has acted on some of the biggest redundancy cases and restructurings and continues to excel in litigation. Other growth areas include pensions and related tax issues. Mariann Norrbom leads the practice and is "one of the foremost specialists in the Danish market." The firm's other name partner, Jørgen Vinding, wins equally strong praise. Morten Langer is one of the leading experts in non-competition and non-solicitation clauses, while Christian K. Clasen is the firm's main industrial relations specialist...”

    (Chambers Europe – 2009)

    “Specialist employment boutique Norrbom Vinding, member of Ius Laboris, offers “top-level, highly professional service and great insight”. Industrial relations expert Jørgen Vinding has represented Post Danmark and is singled out for praise... Mariann Norrbom is renowned throughout the Danish market and internationally...”

    (The European Legal 500 – 2009)

  16. 2008

    “Somewhat unique in the Danish legal market, this firm exists as a fully specialised employment law boutique representing exclusively management clients. “If any firm should be on top, it should be Norrbom Vinding,” acknowledged sources, as it fields the largest fully specialised team of lawyers and has “the capacity to deal with anything in the employment field.” The group shines with its labour law expertise and assists employers’ organisations and major companies with collective bargaining ... Norrbom Vinding’s “strong database system enables it to deliver up-to-date employment law information to clients,” reported sources, placing the group “in a class of its own.”"

    (Chambers Europe – 2008)

    “Norrbom Vinding, member of Ius Laboris is universally respected for its “specialist advice”… Leading corporates, who ordinarily use only the biggest firms, retain this practice for specialist employment law matters.”

    (The European Legal 500 – 2008)

  17. 2007

    "This "renowned" specialist firm covers all aspects of employment and labour law and is at the forefront of competitors' minds as "outstanding, very thorough and dedicated to the field." The firm attracts significant clients as a result of its concentrated expertise: "It has the deepest knowledge of employment matters in Denmark and houses the leading lawyers in the area." .."

    (Chambers Europe – 2007)

    "”Brimming with talent” employment boutique Norrbom Vinding Law Firm, member of Ius Laboris, is accepted by peers and clients alike as the “unquestionable leader” and “right at the cutting edge”. The eight-partner firm which was established in 1998 is now the largest employment team in Scandinavia. It acts exclusively for management in both the public and private sectors... Leading corporates, who would ordinarily use only the biggest firms, retain this practice on all employment law matters. Mariann Norrbom is internationally renowned and, in 2006, assumed the chair of the IBA's employment committee, a rare honour for a Danish lawyer. Jørgen Vinding is also highly commended."

    (The European Legal 500 – 2007)