Omplacering som hensigtsmæssig foranstaltning
Højesteret har afgjort, at en medarbejder med handicap ansat i Region Hovedstaden skulle være forsøgt omplaceret til en anden ledig stilling uden for tjenestestedet.
Medarbejderens eller arbejdsgiverens opsigelse?
En medarbejder kunne ikke anses for selv at have opsagt sin stilling, og arbejdsgiveren skulle i stedet anses for at have afskediget medarbejderen.
Stillingen kunne ikke varetages hjemmefra
En kommune havde ikke handlet i strid med forskelsbehandlingsloven ved at afskedige en jobrådgiver med myelitis, der ikke kunne møde på arbejde.
Løntillæg i flere former
Det var i orden, at en arbejdsgiver ikke betalte overenskomstbestemte særtillæg, men i stedet betalte et fast personligt tillæg til lønnen.
At work, or on the way to work?
The Appeals Permission Board has given the Supreme Court the opportunity to decide a case about whether an industrial injury sustained by an employee on the way to work is covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act.
Supreme Court: No employment, no coverage by LG
The Supreme Court has established that a pilot who had worked for an airline through employment with another company could not have his claim for unpaid salary covered by the Employees’ Guarantee Fund (LG) when the airline went into bankruptcy.
IEL Elite 2025: Norrbom Vinding among the world’s leading labour and employment law practices
Yesterday, the IEL published their Elite 2025 guide, which lists the world’s 151 leading international, national and boutique labour and employment law firms. Norrbom Vinding is among these firms.
You’ve got mail!
The Eastern High Court found that a termination letter sent to an employee on the 120th day of illness, but after the end of the employee’s normal working hours, complied with the 120-day rule.
At work, or on the way to work?
The Appeals Permission Board has given the Supreme Court the opportunity to decide a case about whether an industrial injury sustained by an employee on the way to work is covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act.
Supreme Court: No employment, no coverage by LG
The Supreme Court has established that a pilot who had worked for an airline through employment with another company could not have his claim for unpaid salary covered by the Employees’ Guarantee Fund (LG) when the airline went into bankruptcy.
IEL Elite 2025: Norrbom Vinding among the world’s leading labour and employment law practices
Yesterday, the IEL published their Elite 2025 guide, which lists the world’s 151 leading international, national and boutique labour and employment law firms. Norrbom Vinding is among these firms.
You’ve got mail!
The Eastern High Court found that a termination letter sent to an employee on the 120th day of illness, but after the end of the employee’s normal working hours, complied with the 120-day rule.