Den tilskadekomne cirkusartist
En ukrainsk statsborger, der arbejdede for et cirkus i Danmark, var omfattet af arbejdsskadesikringsloven.
Beskyttelse under graviditet by proxy
En tømrer, der blev afskediget under sin kærestes graviditet, havde krav på godtgørelse efter ligebehandlingsloven.
Nødvendig vagtsomhed eller retsfortabende passivitet?
Et vagtselskab havde ikke fortabt muligheden for at bortvise en vagt, selvom vagtselskabet først bortviste vagten mere end 3 uger efter, selskabet blev bekendt med, at vagten havde stiftet og drevet konkurrerende vagtvirksomhed.
Deltidsansatte forskelsbehandlet på to måder
EU-Domstolen fandt, at en tysk overenskomstbestemmelse om overtidstillæg potentielt udgjorde både en overtrædelse af forbuddet mod forskelsbehandling af deltidsansatte og forbuddet mod forskelsbehandling på grund af køn.
Reference register – no objections
According to the assessment of the Data Protection Agency, there were no grounds for the Agency to initiate a case against a municipality based on the establishment of a reference register.
Adjustments to the Gender Equality Act to ease administration in the public sector – bill sent out for consultation
A draft bill that proposes to abolish gender equality statements and to simplify rules on the gender composition on boards of directors has been sent out for consultation. The new rules are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2025.
Registration of working hours: changes to the Executive Order on Rest Periods and the Executive Order on Systematic Working Environment Work
The Executive Order on Rest Periods and the Executive Order on Systematic Working Environment Work have been amended in light of the new rules on registration of working hours.
Non-competition clause was forfeited
An employer could not obtain an injunction against a former employee performing consultancy work for a competitor. The district court found that the employer had forfeited the opportunity to enforce the non-competition clause, and the high court dismissed the appeal because the restricted period had expired.
Reference register – no objections
According to the assessment of the Data Protection Agency, there were no grounds for the Agency to initiate a case against a municipality based on the establishment of a reference register.
Adjustments to the Gender Equality Act to ease administration in the public sector – bill sent out for consultation
A draft bill that proposes to abolish gender equality statements and to simplify rules on the gender composition on boards of directors has been sent out for consultation. The new rules are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2025.
Registration of working hours: changes to the Executive Order on Rest Periods and the Executive Order on Systematic Working Environment Work
The Executive Order on Rest Periods and the Executive Order on Systematic Working Environment Work have been amended in light of the new rules on registration of working hours.
Non-competition clause was forfeited
An employer could not obtain an injunction against a former employee performing consultancy work for a competitor. The district court found that the employer had forfeited the opportunity to enforce the non-competition clause, and the high court dismissed the appeal because the restricted period had expired.