Generaladvokaten: Mindstelønsdirektivet bør annulleres
Generaladvokaten ved EU-Domstolen har den 14. januar 2025 vurderet, at EU’s direktiv om passende mindstelønninger bør annulleres.
Udenlandske medarbejdere – nye beløbsgrænser og opdaterede positivlister fra 1. januar 2025
Kravet til lønnen ved ansøgning om arbejds- og opholdstilladelse under beløbsordningerne er fra 1. januar 2025 forhøjet til 514.000 kr. for den ordinære beløbsordning og til 415.000 kr. for den supplerende beløbsordning. Positivlisterne er også blevet opdateret.
Kønsbalanceloven er trådt i kraft
Folketinget vedtog kort før jul et lovforslag, der har til formål at sikre en mere ligelig kønsfordeling i ledelsen af større børsnoterede selskaber.
Lang varighed?
Det var ikke i strid med forskelsbehandlingsloven, at en faglærer blev afskediget på grund af sygdom, idet hendes psykiske lidelse på afskedigelsestidspunktet ikke kunne anses for at være af lang varighed.
Sara Baldus appointed as associate partner
As of 1 January 2025, Sara Baldus has been promoted to associate partner at Norrbom Vinding.
Redeployment as an appropriate measure
The Supreme Court has ruled that a disabled employee in the Capital Region of Denmark should have been considered for redeployment to another vacant position outside the place of work.
News from Ius Laboris
New publication about workplace data privacy and new member firms in Austria and Uruguay.
At work, or on the way to work?
The Appeals Permission Board has given the Supreme Court the opportunity to decide a case about whether an industrial injury sustained by an employee on the way to work is covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act.
Sara Baldus appointed as associate partner
As of 1 January 2025, Sara Baldus has been promoted to associate partner at Norrbom Vinding.
Redeployment as an appropriate measure
The Supreme Court has ruled that a disabled employee in the Capital Region of Denmark should have been considered for redeployment to another vacant position outside the place of work.
News from Ius Laboris
New publication about workplace data privacy and new member firms in Austria and Uruguay.
At work, or on the way to work?
The Appeals Permission Board has given the Supreme Court the opportunity to decide a case about whether an industrial injury sustained by an employee on the way to work is covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act.