Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding er fortsat topplaceret
Ranking-publikationen Legal 500, der hvert år foretager en vurdering af de bedste advokater og advokatfirmaer, udgav for nylig deres rankings inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten i Danmark for 2024. Norrbom Vinding anerkendes bl.a. med ordene “Leading specialists on employment law matters” og “The team is composed of very knowledgeable lawyers, who are experts in their fields”.
Overenskomst eller ej?
Ifølge Arbejdsretten havde en lokalaftale ikke opnået status som overenskomst, og arbejdsgiver kunne derfor godt opsige aftalen som en lokalaftale.
Forlænget barsel til tvillingeforældre – lovforslag vedtaget
Folketinget har nu vedtaget det lovforslag, der implementerer den politiske aftale om 13 ugers ekstra orlov med barselsdagpenge til tvillingeforældre og adoptanter.
I fertilitetsbehandling eller ej
En medarbejder, der havde planer om fertilitetsbehandling, men som endnu ikke havde påbegyndt behandlingen, var ikke omfattet af den særlige beskyttelse mod afskedigelse i ligebehandlingsloven.
”No, thanks” to sickness absence interview
The Supreme Court recently upheld a high court judgment, establishing that it was okay to summarily dismiss an employee who refused to participate in a sickness absence interview.
Justifiable ban on headscarfs?
The ECJ has recently ruled in two new cases on the framework for banning the wearing of religious signs at the workplace.
Both summary dismissal and compensation?
Justified summary dismissal of a salaried employee did not deprive him of the right to compensation for unfair dismissal.
Equal pay in different establishments
In a recent judgment, the ECJ held that employers are obligated to provide equal pay for work of equal value across establishments.
”No, thanks” to sickness absence interview
The Supreme Court recently upheld a high court judgment, establishing that it was okay to summarily dismiss an employee who refused to participate in a sickness absence interview.
Justifiable ban on headscarfs?
The ECJ has recently ruled in two new cases on the framework for banning the wearing of religious signs at the workplace.
Both summary dismissal and compensation?
Justified summary dismissal of a salaried employee did not deprive him of the right to compensation for unfair dismissal.
Equal pay in different establishments
In a recent judgment, the ECJ held that employers are obligated to provide equal pay for work of equal value across establishments.