Employment law
Contracts, dismissals, changes to terms and conditions, post-termination restrictions, etc. We advise on all aspects of employment law
We have particular experience in drafting and implementing new contractual models and carrying out collective redundancies or collective changes to terms and conditions of employment.
We recently
- drafted and conducted compliance checks of employment-related documents for several companies, including employment contracts, termination letters, severance agreements and workplace policies
- advised on the engagement of executives, including drafting and assisting in the negotiation of service agreements
- advised clients on the scope of the duty of loyalty resting on dismissed employees
- assessed on several occasions the lawfulness of dismissals with notice and the justification of dismissals without notice as well as advised on how to optimise termination situations, including in relation to holiday, release from the duty to work, duty of loyalty, post-termination restrictions, etc.
- advised on collective redundancy and restructuring processes, including participation in consultation and negotiation with employee representatives
- drafted bonus and incentive programmes and advised companies on updating and revising existing programmes as well as advised on their implementation
- advised on the implications of the new rules on childbirth-related leave, including assisting with updating company policies in this area
- assisted international companies in setting up in Denmark, including advising on registration requirements and drafting of the relevant standard employment-related documents for employees
Information about Employment law
Det langvarige perspektiv
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