International work
We have 1,500 ambassadors and partners worldwide
Labour and employment law is a legal discipline that is very national in its nature – which is all the more reason to have a strong and effective international network of legal experts.
Norrbom Vinding is a member of Ius Laboris, Global HR Lawyers, an alliance of law firms with labour and employment law as their core competence. The alliance is represented by 1,500 lawyers in 57 countries, most of those places with lawyers who are regarded as the best in their field.
We can therefore provide expert advice from almost any country and set up a cross-border expert team for international projects within 24 hours (or even faster).
We e.g. have experience in developing and implementing terms and conditions of employment and remuneration structures across national borders, advising employers who wish to set up business in a given country and assisting multinationals in conducting cross-border restructuring exercises.
Norrbom Vinding also works closely together with a large number of other law firms around the world. Our strong international network builds on many years of cooperation in cross-border projects and more than 20 years of active participation in the Human Resources Section of the International Bar Association (IBA). In this context, we were e.g. one of the promoters of the Global Employment Institute (GEI).
We recently
- advised Danish companies on secondment abroad as well as advised international companies on secondment to Denmark
- advised international groups on large-scale cross-border redundancies, restructuring and outsourcing processes, etc.
- advised international groups on the implementation of global bonus and incentive programmes, including obtaining advice from Ius Laboris firms in several countries
- advised international clients on the implementation of whistleblower systems in Denmark
- acted as project manager in connection with the establishment of subsidiaries abroad by Danish groups
- prepared framework agreements with international groups, securing them global contacts and reduced fees with Ius Laboris firms
Information about International work
Nyt fra Ius Laboris
Ny publikation om databeskyttelse på arbejdspladsen samt nye medlemsfirmaer i Østrig og Uruguay.
Ny publikation fra Ius Laboris
Publikationen giver et indblik i nogle af de mest interessante internationale tendenser, der ses i forhold til ansættelsesret og fremtidens arbejdsstyrke, og drager således nytte af den store viden og ekspertise, som Ius Laboris-advokaterne i de 56 medlemslande besidder.
Ius Laboris modtager prestigefyldt pris
Ius Laboris modtog for nylig den prestigefyldte pris ”Global Network of the Year”.
Fritagelse fra krav om arbejdstilladelse ved koncernforbundne selskaber
En ny regel fritager selskaber fra krav om arbejdstilladelse til udenlandske medarbejdere, der er ansat i koncernforbundne udenlandske selskaber, og som arbejder i Danmark i kortere perioder.