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About us


Public sector labour and employment law

A thorough understanding of how public sector labour and employment law interacts with public law is a prerequisite – together with a good measure of political insight – to advising clients in this area

Norrbom Vinding acts as legal adviser to large parts of the public sector.

Labour and employment law for public authorities and businesses that are wholly or partly publicly owned is a special discipline which requires knowledge of and respect for the rules which are peculiar to public authorities, together with an equal measure of understanding of and respect for public sector culture and for the fact that public authorities and publicly owned businesses play an important role in society and are under political management or control.

We have experience in all aspects of advising public sector employers in our areas of expertise and regularly provide legal opinions to public authorities, undertake investigations and carry out legal inquiries – and, not least, represent them in court.

We have long-standing experience in dismissal cases, cases concerning discrimination and differential treatment, public service law, collective bargaining matters, including negotiation of collective agreements, matters concerning managers and executives, etc.

We are also the law firm that has conducted the greatest number of cases concerning public sector labour and employment law before the Danish Labour Court, industrial arbitration tribunals, dismissals tribunals and the ordinary courts.

We recently

  • advised on, negotiated and conducted cases concerning managers and executives, including termination, for public authorities as well as publicly owned businesses
  • conducted a large number of cases concerning discrimination and differential treatment for public authorities, including the so-called ”obesity case” for the Municipality of Billund
  • conducted cases in the public servants courts and the ordinary courts regarding interpretation of the rules governing public servants, discretionary and disciplinary dismissals, pension, basis for entering into severance agreements for public servants, hiring-out of employees to private sector employers, etc.
  • for more than 25 years we have handled the interests of municipal employers (Local Government Denmark) in industrial arbitration cases concerning the interpretation of collective agreements in practically all areas. Likewise, for more than 25 years we have handled the interests of municipal employers in the Danish Labour Court, including in connection with illegal work stoppage as well as cases concerning responsibility of the collective bargaining party, notices of industrial action and implications of industrial action
  • conducted a number of investigations and legal inquiries in the governmental and municipal areas and on behalf of publicly owned businesses, including the City of Copenhagen, the Municipality of Frederiksberg, the Capital Region of Denmark, the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR), the Danish Ministry of Taxation, the Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, etc.


Elsebeth Aaes-Jørgensen

Elsebeth Aaes-Jørgensen

Partner LLM

Søren Skjerbek

Søren Skjerbek

Partner LLM

Jørgen Vinding

Jørgen Vinding

Partner LLM

Jesper Oehlenschlaeger Madsen

Jesper Oehlenschlaeger Madsen

Associate Partner

Information about Public sector labour and employment law