Højesteret har fastslået, at en bortvisning af en medarbejder i en kommune ikke kunne tillægges lønmæssig virkning fra høringstidspunktet, men først fra bortvisningstidspunktet.
Styrket beskyttelse af offentligt ansatte i aktindsigtssager – lovforslag vedtaget
Folketinget har nu vedtaget den ændring af offentlighedsloven og forvaltningsloven, som har til formål at styrke beskyttelsen af offentligt ansatte i sager om aktindsigt.
Styrket beskyttelse af offentligt ansatte i aktindsigtssager – lovforslag fremsat
Justitsministeriet har fremsat et forslag til ændring af offentlighedsloven og forvaltningsloven med det formål at styrke beskyttelsen af offentligt ansatte i sager om aktindsigt.
Det manglende stillingsopslag
Et sygehus burde have slået en ledig stilling som kommunikationskonsulent op i stedet for at ansætte en person, der havde ansøgt om en anden ledig stilling
En aftale er en aftale – skulle man tro …
Højesteret har fundet, at en medarbejder ikke var afskåret fra at rejse krav vedrørende mulig forskelsbehandling grundet alder i forbindelse med en afskedigelse, uanset at hendes faglige organisation og arbejdsgiver – en kommune – forud herfor havde indgået et forlig herom. Kommunen blev dog frifundet, da Højesteret fandt, at medarbejderen ikke havde været udsat for forskelsbehandling grundet alder.
Overlægen, der ville omplaceres
Det var ikke sagligt at afskedige en læge ansat som sektionsleder på grund af omstruktureringer. Lægen skulle have været tilbudt omplacering til en ledig stilling som overlæge.
Mere eller mindre chef
Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet har anmodet Ankestyrelsen om at genoptage behandlingen af fire sager om fortolkning af chefbegrebet i offentlighedsloven.
Tavshed by default?
Offentlige myndigheder kan ikke standardmæssigt indgå fratrædelsesaftaler, som indeholder tavshedsklausuler.
500 timers sygefravær og et fuldt oplyst grundlag
En faglig voldgift fandt, at opsigelsen af en tillidsrepræsentant som følge af sygefravær grundet senfølger efter COVID-19 var berettiget.
Rematerialisering: Kunstnerisk happening eller bortvisningsgrund?
Det var berettiget at bortvise en postdoc ansat på Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Billedkunstskoler for at skubbe en gipsbuste af Frederik den 5. i Københavns Havn.
Long-term prospects
A municipality was justified in dismissing an employee due to the long-term prospects of her returning to work after sickness absence.
Did the employer show care or inaction?
A security company had not forfeited the right to summarily dismiss an employee, even though the company did not summarily dismiss the employee until more than 3 weeks after the company became aware that the employee had set up and operated a competing business.
Reference register – no objections
According to the assessment of the Data Protection Agency, there were no grounds for the Agency to initiate a case against a municipality based on the establishment of a reference register.
Adjustments to the Gender Equality Act to ease administration in the public sector – bill sent out for consultation
A draft bill that proposes to abolish gender equality statements and to simplify rules on the gender composition on boards of directors has been sent out for consultation. The new rules are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2025.
Registration of working hours: changes to the Executive Order on Rest Periods and the Executive Order on Systematic Working Environment Work
The Executive Order on Rest Periods and the Executive Order on Systematic Working Environment Work have been amended in light of the new rules on registration of working hours.
Non-competition clause was forfeited
An employer could not obtain an injunction against a former employee performing consultancy work for a competitor. The district court found that the employer had forfeited the opportunity to enforce the non-competition clause, and the high court dismissed the appeal because the restricted period had expired.
Employment or favour for a friend? Judgment by the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has established that the concept of ”employment” in the Aliens Act must be interpreted very broadly. A bicycle dealer was fined DKK 10,000 because one of his friends who did not have a work permit had helped him carry a few bikes into the bike shop.
Reason for dismissal was off the mark
An employer’s wish to help a dismissed employee by giving an incorrect dismissal reason in the termination letter could not lead to the principle of equal treatment not being breached.
Registration of working hours – changes to the Executive Order on Rest Periods etc. submitted for consultation
Draft amendments to the Executive Order on Rest Periods and the Executive Order on Systematic Working Environment Work have been submitted for consultation. Among other things, it is proposed to align the exemption for the so-called self-organisers.
Extended leave for twin parents – bill adopted
The Parliament has adopted the bill implementing the political agreement on 13 weeks of additional leave with parental benefits for twin parents and adoptive parents.