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En aftale er en aftale – skulle man tro …

Højesteret har fundet, at en medarbejder ikke var afskåret fra at rejse krav vedrørende mulig forskelsbehandling grundet alder i forbindelse med en afskedigelse, uanset at hendes faglige organisation og arbejdsgiver – en kommune – forud herfor havde indgået et forlig herom. Kommunen blev dog frifundet, da Højesteret fandt, at medarbejderen ikke havde været udsat for forskelsbehandling grundet alder.

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New publication from Ius Laboris

The publication provides insight into some of the most interesting international trends seen in relation to employment law and the workforce of the future and, thus, harnesses the great knowledge and expertise of Ius Laboris lawyers in 56 member countries.

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Did the employer show care or inaction?

A security company had not forfeited the right to summarily dismiss an employee, even though the company did not summarily dismiss the employee until more than 3 weeks after the company became aware that the employee had set up and operated a competing business.

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