Industrial relations
Collective agreements and industrial relations are the hallmark of the Danish labour market model
We have long-standing experience in negotiating collective agreements and advising public and private sector employers on their collective bargaining processes.
We are there when creative solutions are needed, and we are also there when employers are served with a notice of industrial action or need to serve such notice themselves.
If the collective bargaining process ends up in the State Conciliation Board on Labour Disputes, we have the experience required to negotiate for hours or days before the Board, and in the situations where it is more natural for the legal adviser not to "sit in" on the negotiations, we will act as your adviser and consultant in the "back room".
When the collective agreement has been signed, we advise on the interpretation of the agreement. In case of disputes and stoppages, we represent employers before the various industrial relations bodies: industrial tribunals, the Labour Court and the Municipal Public Servants Court.
We recently
- advised public and private sector employers in, for example, the pharmaceutical industry, aviation industry, energy sector and various other industries on collective bargaining issues
- successfully represented employers, employer organisations and public authorities in a large number of industrial arbitration cases concerning interpretation of collective agreements
- successfully conducted a large number of cases in the Danish Labour Court for private sector employers and for a major employer organisation and its individual member municipalities
Information about Labour Law
Universitetsvagternes forældede krav
Tre vagter mente, at en arbejdsklausul gav dem ret til at få erstatning fra et universitet. Kravet var imidlertid forældet, fastslog byretten i denne sag.
Planteskolen blev gået efter i bedene
Tre vikarer skulle have overenskomstmæssig løn, da de arbejdede på en planteskole. Det gjorde ingen forskel, at de havde været udsendt til planteskolen via entrepriseselskaber.
Usagligt at afskedige på grund af manglende tillid
Det var usagligt at afskedige en medarbejder på grund af kollegers forklaringer om medarbejderens voldsomme magtanvendelse.
Delikat løntillæg i Gate Gourmet
Det var ikke organisationsfjendtligt, da Gate Gourmet indgik en aftale med Lederne, som indebar, at Ledernes medlemmer fik et højere løntillæg, end HK’s medlemmer fik.
Pauseplanlægning blev kastet under bussen
Et trafikselskab måtte ikke planlægge chaufførers vagter med pause kort tid før vagten sluttede.
Omplacering af tidsbegrænset ansatte
En tidsbegrænset ansat, der påtænkes afskediget på grund af driftsmæssige forhold, skal ikke søges omplaceret til en tidsubegrænset stilling.