Criminal law
The handling of criminal offences is becoming increasingly complex – not least in light of the detailed regulation in the area, intensified enforcement and public attention
We advise companies and public authorities on a wide range of issues from the employment law-related handling of a case to cooperation with the law enforcing authorities.
We recently
- advised on the uncovering and handling of possible fraud and irregularities at companies and public authorities
- provided advice on the qualification of possible criminal law violations as well as breaches of the special legislation
- advised on and prepared reports to the police in cases concerning, for instance, economic crime and harassment
- advised on communication and provided assistance on a strategic, political level
- advised on, for instance, the right of access in relation to employees’ and public authorities’ possible criminal offences
- provided advice on the specific procedural issues existing within the area of criminal law
- assisted public authorities, companies and employees on behalf of the employer in criminal cases
Information about Criminal law
Beskæftigelse eller vennetjeneste? Dom fra Højesteret
Højesteret har fastslået, at begrebet ”beskæftigelse” i udlændingeloven skal fortolkes meget bredt. En cykelhandler blev idømt en bøde på 10.000 kr., fordi en ven, der ikke havde arbejdstilladelse, havde hjulpet ham med at bære nogle få cykler ind i cykelforretningen.
En sjakbajs uden højdeskræk
En virksomhed blev idømt en bøde på 75.000 kr., fordi en sjakbajs arbejdede i 5,5 meters højde uden effektive sikkerhedsforanstaltninger, og fordi arbejdsgiver ikke førte tilsyn.