Practice areas

Increased regulation and ever more complex rules and regulations are making it increasingly difficult to navigate the labour and employment law landscape. Providing value-adding solutions requires deeply specialized knowledge – solutions that often involve many areas of expertise. We advise on all aspects of labour and employment law. Our expertise is based on more than 30 years of experience, and we are always at the forefront of the development of new areas. You can read more about our advice within the different practice areas in the overview below.

Employment law

Contracts, dismissals, changes to terms and conditions, post-termination restrictions, etc. We advise on all aspects of employment law

Public sector labour and employment law

A thorough understanding of how public sector labour and employment law interacts with public law is a prerequisite – together with a good measure of political insight – to advising clients in this area

Industrial relations

Collective agreements and industrial relations are the hallmark of the Danish labour market model


Discrimination is currently the fastest growing practice area


Norrbom Vinding’s litigators are among the most skilled litigators in Denmark

Legal investigations and inquiries

Legal investigations and inquiries are an important tool when companies, authorities or organisations have a need to uncover and assess a matter or course of events

Bonus & incentives

Pay packages today are often composed of a number of elements. As a result, there is an increasing need for legal advice – both in relation to determining the different elements and addressing the many challenges and issues

Post-termination restrictions

Restrictions – the many challenges


In many cases, labour and employment law issues cannot be assessed only from a labour and employment law perspective

Tax & social security

Labour and employment law matters should not only be regarded in a labour and employment law perspective

Data protection

The demand for data protection advice has increased explosively in recent years – and in this area, too, we are highly specialised

International work

We have 1,500 ambassadors and partners worldwide

Criminal law

The handling of criminal offences is becoming increasingly complex – not least in light of the detailed regulation in the area, intensified enforcement and public attention

Health and safety at work and industrial injuries

We have extensive experience in advising on all aspects of the working environment legislation and industrial injury cases

Whistleblower systems

Norrbom Vinding administers whistleblower systems for private employers as well as public authorities and organisations

Human rights law

Authorities are increasingly being met with claims for alleged human rights violations, especially in cases concerning social welfare law and welfare benefits

Public law

Experience in law spanning multiple administrative disciplines and an understanding of politically governed organisations are essential when advising public authorities