Virksomhedsoverdragelse eller konkurs – Generaladvokatens forslag til afgørelse
Generaladvokaten ved EU-Domstolen har vurderet, at hvis en overførsel af hele eller dele af en virksomhed er blevet forberedt med det formål at videreføre virksomheden, men overførslen formelt først finder sted umiddelbart efter, at konkurs er indtrådt, skal overførslen anses for at være en virksomhedsoverdragelse.
Højesteret: Ingen dækning i LG uden ansættelse
Højesteret har fastslået, at en pilot, der via ansættelse i et andet selskab havde udført arbejde for et luftfartsselskab, ikke kunne få sit løntilgodehavende dækket hos Lønmodtagernes Garantifond (LG), da luftfartsselskabet gik konkurs.
IEL Elite 2025: Norrbom Vinding blandt verdens førende inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesret
I går offentliggjorde IEL deres ”Elite 2025”-guide, som har udvalgt verdens 151 førende internationale og nationale advokatfirmaer, herunder nichefirmaer, inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten. Norrbom Vinding er blandt disse firmaer.
Der er brev!
Østre Landsret fandt, at en opsigelse afsendt til en medarbejder på den 120. sygedag, men efter udløbet af sædvanlig arbejdstid, overholdt betingelsen i 120-dagesreglen.
Registration of working hours – changes to the Executive Order on Rest Periods etc. submitted for consultation
Draft amendments to the Executive Order on Rest Periods and the Executive Order on Systematic Working Environment Work have been submitted for consultation. Among other things, it is proposed to align the exemption for the so-called self-organisers.
Extended leave for twin parents – bill adopted
The Parliament has adopted the bill implementing the political agreement on 13 weeks of additional leave with parental benefits for twin parents and adoptive parents.
In, or not in, fertility treatment?
An employee who was planning to undergo fertility treatment but had not yet started the treatment was not covered by the special protection against dismissal in the Equal Treatment Act.
No collective agreement, no shop steward – judgment by the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court recently upheld the Eastern High Court’s ruling establishing that a shop steward’s function ended at the time of a business transfer because the transferee had renounced the collective agreement.
Registration of working hours – changes to the Executive Order on Rest Periods etc. submitted for consultation
Draft amendments to the Executive Order on Rest Periods and the Executive Order on Systematic Working Environment Work have been submitted for consultation. Among other things, it is proposed to align the exemption for the so-called self-organisers.
Extended leave for twin parents – bill adopted
The Parliament has adopted the bill implementing the political agreement on 13 weeks of additional leave with parental benefits for twin parents and adoptive parents.
In, or not in, fertility treatment?
An employee who was planning to undergo fertility treatment but had not yet started the treatment was not covered by the special protection against dismissal in the Equal Treatment Act.
No collective agreement, no shop steward – judgment by the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court recently upheld the Eastern High Court’s ruling establishing that a shop steward’s function ended at the time of a business transfer because the transferee had renounced the collective agreement.