Delikat løntillæg i Gate Gourmet
Det var ikke organisationsfjendtligt, da Gate Gourmet indgik en aftale med Lederne, som indebar, at Ledernes medlemmer fik et højere løntillæg, end HK’s medlemmer fik.
Pauseplanlægning blev kastet under bussen
Et trafikselskab måtte ikke planlægge chaufførers vagter med pause kort tid før vagten sluttede.
Den fortabte konkurrenceklausul
En virksomhed kunne ikke opnå forbud mod en tidligere medarbejders konsulentarbejde for en konkurrent. Byretten havde fundet, at virksomheden havde fortabt muligheden for at håndhæve konkurrenceklausulen, og landsretten afviste kæremålet, fordi klausulperioden var udløbet.
Referenceregister – ingen bemærkninger
Datatilsynet har vurderet, at der ikke var anledning til at rejse en tilsynssag over for en kommune på baggrund af etablering af et referenceregister.
Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding continues to be top-ranked
The Legal 500 recently released their 2024 rankings for labour and employment law in Denmark. Norrbom Vinding maintains the position as top-ranked and is e.g. described as “Leading specialists on employment law matters” and “The team is composed of very knowledgeable lawyers, who are experts in their fields”.
Change in maternity leave terms gave rise to compensation
A pregnant employee was entitled to compensation under the Equal Treatment Act as a result of a material change to her maternity leave terms even though she had not left her position.
Chambers Europe has published their rankings for 2024
Also this year, Chambers Europe ranks Norrbom Vinding at the top of leading law firms within labour and employment law in Denmark.
New executive order on systematic working environment work
The new rules on systematic working environment work will strengthen cooperation on health and safety in the workplace by, among other things, making health and safety risk assessments a more active tool and clarifying the roles of the working environment organisation.
Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding continues to be top-ranked
The Legal 500 recently released their 2024 rankings for labour and employment law in Denmark. Norrbom Vinding maintains the position as top-ranked and is e.g. described as “Leading specialists on employment law matters” and “The team is composed of very knowledgeable lawyers, who are experts in their fields”.
Change in maternity leave terms gave rise to compensation
A pregnant employee was entitled to compensation under the Equal Treatment Act as a result of a material change to her maternity leave terms even though she had not left her position.
Chambers Europe has published their rankings for 2024
Also this year, Chambers Europe ranks Norrbom Vinding at the top of leading law firms within labour and employment law in Denmark.
New executive order on systematic working environment work
The new rules on systematic working environment work will strengthen cooperation on health and safety in the workplace by, among other things, making health and safety risk assessments a more active tool and clarifying the roles of the working environment organisation.