Én nr. 10 og ingen seksuel chikane, tak
Et pizzeria var ikke ansvarlig for seksuel chikane udøvet af en medarbejder over for en anden medarbejder. Pizzeriaet havde nemlig ikke handlet ansvarspådragende.
Uautoriseret vikarvirksomhed?
EU-Domstolen har fastslået, at en virksomhed var omfattet af EU’s vikardirektiv, selv om udsendelse af medarbejdere ikke udgjorde virksomhedens hovedaktivitet.
Engel eller flagermus?
Det var okay at afskedige en medarbejder, der havde hængt krænkende vittigheder op på en fælles opslagstavle. Dog var der ikke grundlag for en bortvisning.
Kravet om korte ærmer
Det var ikke i strid med forskelsbehandlingsloven, at en medarbejder var blevet afskediget, fordi hun ikke efterlevede arbejdsgivers krav om at bære uniform med korte ærmer.
Advocate General proposes annulment of the Directive on adequate minimum wages
On 14 January 2025, the Advocate General proposed that the CJEU annul the EU Directive on adequate minimum wages.
Sara Baldus appointed as associate partner
As of 1 January 2025, Sara Baldus has been promoted to associate partner at Norrbom Vinding.
Redeployment as an appropriate measure
The Supreme Court has ruled that a disabled employee in the Capital Region of Denmark should have been considered for redeployment to another vacant position outside the place of work.
News from Ius Laboris
New publication about workplace data privacy and new member firms in Austria and Uruguay.
Advocate General proposes annulment of the Directive on adequate minimum wages
On 14 January 2025, the Advocate General proposed that the CJEU annul the EU Directive on adequate minimum wages.
Sara Baldus appointed as associate partner
As of 1 January 2025, Sara Baldus has been promoted to associate partner at Norrbom Vinding.
Redeployment as an appropriate measure
The Supreme Court has ruled that a disabled employee in the Capital Region of Denmark should have been considered for redeployment to another vacant position outside the place of work.
News from Ius Laboris
New publication about workplace data privacy and new member firms in Austria and Uruguay.