Hastværk kan være lastværk
Det udgjorde forskelsbehandling, at en medarbejder med fibromyalgi blev afskediget ca. 7 uger efter diagnosen. Arbejdsgiveren havde ikke opfyldt sin tilpasningsforpligtelse.
Registrering af arbejdstid – ændring af hviletidsbekendtgørelsen mv. i høring
Udkast til ændring af hviletidsbekendtgørelsen og bekendtgørelsen om systematisk arbejdsmiljøarbejde er sendt i høring. Bl.a. foreslås ensretning af undtagelsen for de såkaldte selvtilrettelæggere.
Betydningen af et samtykke
En kommune blev frifundet for to borgeres krav om tortgodtgørelse i forbindelse med en sag, hvor en kommunalpolitikers barn blev anbragt uden for hjemmet.
Et træls stykke arbejde
Det var helt i orden, at en virksomhed gav en advarsel til en tillidsrepræsentant, som i flere dage nægtede at udføre et træls stykke arbejde.
Working week did not exceed 48 hours
A marketing manager’s working time statements were not sufficient evidence of breach of the 48-hour working time rule.
Rematerialization: artistic happening or reason for summary dismissal?
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts was justified in summarily dismissing a postdoc who pushed a plaster bust of Frederick V into the Copenhagen harbour.
LGBTI bill adopted
Parliament recently adopted the bill to amend the Anti-Discrimination Act, the Equal Treatment Act, etc. that was introduced by the Ministry of Employment in October 2021.
Bill on amendment of the Act on Posting of Workers adopted
The bill to implement the Amended Posted Workers Directive adopted in 2018 was recently passed.
Working week did not exceed 48 hours
A marketing manager’s working time statements were not sufficient evidence of breach of the 48-hour working time rule.
Rematerialization: artistic happening or reason for summary dismissal?
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts was justified in summarily dismissing a postdoc who pushed a plaster bust of Frederick V into the Copenhagen harbour.
LGBTI bill adopted
Parliament recently adopted the bill to amend the Anti-Discrimination Act, the Equal Treatment Act, etc. that was introduced by the Ministry of Employment in October 2021.
Bill on amendment of the Act on Posting of Workers adopted
The bill to implement the Amended Posted Workers Directive adopted in 2018 was recently passed.