Registrering af arbejdstid – ændring af hviletidsbekendtgørelsen mv. i høring
Udkast til ændring af hviletidsbekendtgørelsen og bekendtgørelsen om systematisk arbejdsmiljøarbejde er sendt i høring. Bl.a. foreslås ensretning af undtagelsen for de såkaldte selvtilrettelæggere.
Betydningen af et samtykke
En kommune blev frifundet for to borgeres krav om tortgodtgørelse i forbindelse med en sag, hvor en kommunalpolitikers barn blev anbragt uden for hjemmet.
Et træls stykke arbejde
Det var helt i orden, at en virksomhed gav en advarsel til en tillidsrepræsentant, som i flere dage nægtede at udføre et træls stykke arbejde.
Handicap eller almindeligt sygefravær?
Det var ikke forskelsbehandling, da en sygeplejerske blev afskediget som følge af langvarigt sygefravær, da det ikke var bevist, at sygefraværet skyldtes sygeplejerskens handicap.
The firefighter’s food breaks
A firefighter’s food breaks, during which he was at the employer’s disposal, constituted working hours.
Coronavirus – tripartite agreement on employers’ possibility of requiring employees to show a valid Corona passport
The Government and the social partners have made a tripartite agreement to reintroduce the statutory basis for employers to require that employees be tested for COVID-19.
Fixed-term employment contracts – risk of abuse?
In two recent cases, the ECJ has ruled on the framework for renewal of fixed-term employment contracts.
Legislative programme for the parliamentary year 2021/2022
The Government’s legislative programme for 2021/2022 includes a number of bills that are expected to have an impact on most employers in the coming parliamentary year.
The firefighter’s food breaks
A firefighter’s food breaks, during which he was at the employer’s disposal, constituted working hours.
Coronavirus – tripartite agreement on employers’ possibility of requiring employees to show a valid Corona passport
The Government and the social partners have made a tripartite agreement to reintroduce the statutory basis for employers to require that employees be tested for COVID-19.
Fixed-term employment contracts – risk of abuse?
In two recent cases, the ECJ has ruled on the framework for renewal of fixed-term employment contracts.
Legislative programme for the parliamentary year 2021/2022
The Government’s legislative programme for 2021/2022 includes a number of bills that are expected to have an impact on most employers in the coming parliamentary year.