Forlænget barsel til tvillingeforældre – lovforslag vedtaget
Folketinget har nu vedtaget det lovforslag, der implementerer den politiske aftale om 13 ugers ekstra orlov med barselsdagpenge til tvillingeforældre og adoptanter.
I fertilitetsbehandling eller ej
En medarbejder, der havde planer om fertilitetsbehandling, men som endnu ikke havde påbegyndt behandlingen, var ikke omfattet af den særlige beskyttelse mod afskedigelse i ligebehandlingsloven.
Chambers Europe har offentliggjort rankings for 2024
Chambers Europe topplacerer igen i år Norrbom Vinding på deres liste over førende advokatvirksomheder inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten i Danmark.
Færøsk overenskomstbestemmelse, der gik i fisk
Det var ikke i strid med internationale konventioner, da det færøske landsstyre vedtog en lov, der tilsidesatte dele af en færøsk fiskerioverenskomst.
Coronavirus – tripartite agreement on employers’ possibility of requiring employees to show a valid Corona passport
The Government and the social partners have made a tripartite agreement to reintroduce the statutory basis for employers to require that employees be tested for COVID-19.
Fixed-term employment contracts – risk of abuse?
In two recent cases, the ECJ has ruled on the framework for renewal of fixed-term employment contracts.
Legislative programme for the parliamentary year 2021/2022
The Government’s legislative programme for 2021/2022 includes a number of bills that are expected to have an impact on most employers in the coming parliamentary year.
The Seventh-Day Adventist who did not want to work on Saturdays
It was not contrary to the Anti-Discrimination Act when a school decided to dismiss a physical education teacher who refused to attend work on a Saturday due to religion.
Coronavirus – tripartite agreement on employers’ possibility of requiring employees to show a valid Corona passport
The Government and the social partners have made a tripartite agreement to reintroduce the statutory basis for employers to require that employees be tested for COVID-19.
Fixed-term employment contracts – risk of abuse?
In two recent cases, the ECJ has ruled on the framework for renewal of fixed-term employment contracts.
Legislative programme for the parliamentary year 2021/2022
The Government’s legislative programme for 2021/2022 includes a number of bills that are expected to have an impact on most employers in the coming parliamentary year.
The Seventh-Day Adventist who did not want to work on Saturdays
It was not contrary to the Anti-Discrimination Act when a school decided to dismiss a physical education teacher who refused to attend work on a Saturday due to religion.