Siciliansk tilbud eller gensidig aftale?
En aftale er en aftale. Og det gælder også, selvom alternativet til at indgå aftalen er, at man må fratræde. Det viser denne faglige voldgiftskendelse.
Styrket beskyttelse af offentligt ansatte i aktindsigtssager – lovforslag vedtaget
Folketinget har nu vedtaget den ændring af offentlighedsloven og forvaltningsloven, som har til formål at styrke beskyttelsen af offentligt ansatte i sager om aktindsigt.
Planlagt frihed i folkeskolen
En skoleleder, som planlægger det kommende skoleår, må gerne tage højde for, at en lærer har ret til at holde fri på omsorgs- og seniordage.
Det lidt for tunge læs
Arbejdsgiver var erstatningsansvarlig for, at en operatør fik en rygskade, da hun med håndkraft forsøgte at flytte en pallevogn, der med påsatte rammer havde en vægt på 640 kg.
The European Parliament adopts proposed directive on pay transparency
The proposed directive, which is aimed at ensuring equal pay for men and women, is awaiting adoption by the Council of the European Union.
Amendment to the rules on recruitment of foreign workers adopted
The Danish Parliament recently adopted an amendment to the Aliens Act to make it easier to recruit workers from countries outside the EU/EEA.
Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding is still ranked at the top
The ranking publication Legal 500, which each year evaluates the best lawyers and law firms, has just published their rankings in the field of labour and employment law in Denmark for 2023. Norrbom Vinding is recognised with the words “excellent boutique labour law practice”
Norrbom Vinding given top ranking by Chambers Europe 2023
Also this year, Norrbom Vinding is recognised as a top tier firm by Chambers Europe within the field of labour and employment law: ”Norrbom Vinding remains an employment powerhouse”
The European Parliament adopts proposed directive on pay transparency
The proposed directive, which is aimed at ensuring equal pay for men and women, is awaiting adoption by the Council of the European Union.
Amendment to the rules on recruitment of foreign workers adopted
The Danish Parliament recently adopted an amendment to the Aliens Act to make it easier to recruit workers from countries outside the EU/EEA.
Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding is still ranked at the top
The ranking publication Legal 500, which each year evaluates the best lawyers and law firms, has just published their rankings in the field of labour and employment law in Denmark for 2023. Norrbom Vinding is recognised with the words “excellent boutique labour law practice”
Norrbom Vinding given top ranking by Chambers Europe 2023
Also this year, Norrbom Vinding is recognised as a top tier firm by Chambers Europe within the field of labour and employment law: ”Norrbom Vinding remains an employment powerhouse”