Kampen om skatteefterbetalingskravet
En håndboldklub blev dømt til at kompensere en spiller for det efterbetalingskrav i skat, som spilleren skulle betale, da spilleren ikke som forventet kunne beskattes under forskerskatteordningen under sit ansættelsesforhold hos klubben.
Hvid jul
Det var uretmæssigt at bortvise to forsikringsmedarbejdere, der havde indtaget kokain. Arbejdsgiverens retningslinjer var nemlig uklare.
Det opjusterede produktionskrav
Et afskedigelsesnævn har vurderet, at det var sagligt at afskedige en lagermedarbejder, fordi han ikke levede op til et minimumsproduktionskrav.
Krav om registrering af arbejdstid – lovforslag vedtaget
Lovforslaget, som stiller krav om registrering af arbejdstid for den enkelte medarbejder og giver mulighed for at fravige bl.a. 48-timersreglen for visse medarbejdere, er nu vedtaget.
Rematerialization: artistic happening or reason for summary dismissal?
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts was justified in summarily dismissing a postdoc who pushed a plaster bust of Frederick V into the Copenhagen harbour.
LGBTI bill adopted
Parliament recently adopted the bill to amend the Anti-Discrimination Act, the Equal Treatment Act, etc. that was introduced by the Ministry of Employment in October 2021.
Bill on amendment of the Act on Posting of Workers adopted
The bill to implement the Amended Posted Workers Directive adopted in 2018 was recently passed.
Coronavirus – the act on employers’ right to require employees to present a valid corona passport or to be tested for COVID-19 was recently adopted
Parliament recently passed the bill entitling employers to require employees to present a valid corona passport or to be tested for COVID-19.
Rematerialization: artistic happening or reason for summary dismissal?
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts was justified in summarily dismissing a postdoc who pushed a plaster bust of Frederick V into the Copenhagen harbour.
LGBTI bill adopted
Parliament recently adopted the bill to amend the Anti-Discrimination Act, the Equal Treatment Act, etc. that was introduced by the Ministry of Employment in October 2021.
Bill on amendment of the Act on Posting of Workers adopted
The bill to implement the Amended Posted Workers Directive adopted in 2018 was recently passed.
Coronavirus – the act on employers’ right to require employees to present a valid corona passport or to be tested for COVID-19 was recently adopted
Parliament recently passed the bill entitling employers to require employees to present a valid corona passport or to be tested for COVID-19.