Ny publikation fra Ius Laboris
Publikationen giver et indblik i nogle af de mest interessante internationale tendenser, der ses i forhold til ansættelsesret og fremtidens arbejdsstyrke, og drager således nytte af den store viden og ekspertise, som Ius Laboris-advokaterne i de 56 medlemslande besidder.
Udklædning eller ballade
Det udgjorde forskelsbehandling på grund af religion, at en daginstitution stillede krav om, at en pædagogmedhjælper, der var Jehovas Vidne, skulle klæde sig ud til institutionens fastelavnsfest.
Bortvisning for brud på tavshedspligt
Social- og sundhedsassistents videregivelse af fortrolige oplysninger til en borgers datter berettigede ikke en bortvisning.
Regeringens lovprogram for 2024/2025
Første tirsdag i oktober blev folketingsåret skudt i gang, og som vanligt offentliggjorde regeringen sit lovprogram for folketingsåret 2024/2025.
Monitoring employees’ social media: the legislation in a global perspective
In a new article, Ius Laboris takes a closer look at the issue of whether employers can monitor employees’ social media posts.
Duty to register working hours – bill sent out for consultation
A draft bill has been sent out for consultation that requires registration of working hours for each employee and allows deviation from the 48-hour rule for certain groups of employees.
Bill on new initiatives in the area of industrial injuries
The Ministry of Employment has tabled a bill that will, among other things, make it easier for employees to obtain compensation when they have been exposed to violence in the workplace.
The Government’s legislative programme for 2023/2024
On the first Tuesday of October, the parliamentary year kicked off and, as usual, the Government announced its legislative programme for the parliamentary year 2023/2024.
Monitoring employees’ social media: the legislation in a global perspective
In a new article, Ius Laboris takes a closer look at the issue of whether employers can monitor employees’ social media posts.
Duty to register working hours – bill sent out for consultation
A draft bill has been sent out for consultation that requires registration of working hours for each employee and allows deviation from the 48-hour rule for certain groups of employees.
Bill on new initiatives in the area of industrial injuries
The Ministry of Employment has tabled a bill that will, among other things, make it easier for employees to obtain compensation when they have been exposed to violence in the workplace.
The Government’s legislative programme for 2023/2024
On the first Tuesday of October, the parliamentary year kicked off and, as usual, the Government announced its legislative programme for the parliamentary year 2023/2024.