Hvid jul
Det var uretmæssigt at bortvise to forsikringsmedarbejdere, der havde indtaget kokain. Arbejdsgiverens retningslinjer var nemlig uklare.
Det opjusterede produktionskrav
Et afskedigelsesnævn har vurderet, at det var sagligt at afskedige en lagermedarbejder, fordi han ikke levede op til et minimumsproduktionskrav.
Krav om registrering af arbejdstid – lovforslag vedtaget
Lovforslaget, som stiller krav om registrering af arbejdstid for den enkelte medarbejder og giver mulighed for at fravige bl.a. 48-timersreglen for visse medarbejdere, er nu vedtaget.
Ingen grå hår i studiebaren
EU-Domstolen fandt, at forbuddet mod forskelsbehandling på grund af alder ikke var til hinder for fastsættelsen af et alderskriterie for ansættelsen af en handicapmedhjælper.
The Seventh-Day Adventist who did not want to work on Saturdays
It was not contrary to the Anti-Discrimination Act when a school decided to dismiss a physical education teacher who refused to attend work on a Saturday due to religion.
”No, thanks” to sickness absence interview
The Supreme Court recently upheld a high court judgment, establishing that it was okay to summarily dismiss an employee who refused to participate in a sickness absence interview.
Justifiable ban on headscarfs?
The ECJ has recently ruled in two new cases on the framework for banning the wearing of religious signs at the workplace.
Both summary dismissal and compensation?
Justified summary dismissal of a salaried employee did not deprive him of the right to compensation for unfair dismissal.
The Seventh-Day Adventist who did not want to work on Saturdays
It was not contrary to the Anti-Discrimination Act when a school decided to dismiss a physical education teacher who refused to attend work on a Saturday due to religion.
”No, thanks” to sickness absence interview
The Supreme Court recently upheld a high court judgment, establishing that it was okay to summarily dismiss an employee who refused to participate in a sickness absence interview.
Justifiable ban on headscarfs?
The ECJ has recently ruled in two new cases on the framework for banning the wearing of religious signs at the workplace.
Both summary dismissal and compensation?
Justified summary dismissal of a salaried employee did not deprive him of the right to compensation for unfair dismissal.