Erhvervsmæssig beskæftigelse eller ej?
Et medlem af en pensionskasse, der ikke blev indstillet som kandidat til pensionskassens bestyrelse, kunne ikke påberåbe sig beskyttelsen mod forskelsbehandling på grund af alder, idet et medlemskab af bestyrelsen ikke er omfattet af begrebet erhvervsmæssig beskæftigelse i henhold til forskelsbehandlingsloven og beskæftigelsesdirektivet.
Rejsegodtgørelse som en del af lønnen
EU-Domstolen fandt, at det ikke var forskelsbehandling på grund af køn, at piloter og kabinepersonale ikke modtog de samme diætbeløb, selvom de arbejdede på de samme fly.
Matrixen og 34 års tro tjeneste
Afskedigelsesnævnet fandt, at det ikke var usagligt, at en medarbejder med 34 års anciennitet blev afskediget på grund af produktionsnedgang hos arbejdsgiveren.
Dyrepasseren og piloten
Det var ikke i strid med ligelønsloven, at en mandlig ministerchauffør modtog et højere kvalifikationstillæg end en kvindelig ministerchauffør, da han havde relevant erhvervserfaring.
New publication from Ius Laboris
The publication provides insight into some of the most interesting international trends seen in relation to employment law and the workforce of the future and, thus, harnesses the great knowledge and expertise of Ius Laboris lawyers in 56 member countries.
The Government’s legislative programme for 2024/2025
The first Tuesday of October marked the start of the new parliamentary year and, in the usual way, the Government introduced its legislative programme for the parliamentary year 2024/2025.
Double discrimination against part-time workers
The ECJ recently found that a provision in a German collective agreement on overtime pay potentially violated the prohibition of discrimination against part-time employees as well as the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of gender.
Criticism was too harsh
The summary dismissal of an employee who had sharply criticised her employer and several identifiable colleagues in a closed staff group on Facebook was justified.
New publication from Ius Laboris
The publication provides insight into some of the most interesting international trends seen in relation to employment law and the workforce of the future and, thus, harnesses the great knowledge and expertise of Ius Laboris lawyers in 56 member countries.
The Government’s legislative programme for 2024/2025
The first Tuesday of October marked the start of the new parliamentary year and, in the usual way, the Government introduced its legislative programme for the parliamentary year 2024/2025.
Double discrimination against part-time workers
The ECJ recently found that a provision in a German collective agreement on overtime pay potentially violated the prohibition of discrimination against part-time employees as well as the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of gender.
Criticism was too harsh
The summary dismissal of an employee who had sharply criticised her employer and several identifiable colleagues in a closed staff group on Facebook was justified.