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Extended leave for twin parents – bill adopted

The Parliament has adopted the bill implementing the political agreement on 13 weeks of additional leave with parental benefits for twin parents and adoptive parents. 

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Yvonne Frederiksen

Sofie Draborg

In early 2024, the Minister for Employment tabled a bill aimed at giving parents who have two or more children at the same birth or adoption the opportunity to take additional leave at the same time while the children are very young.

The Parliament recently adopted the bill, which enters into effect on 1 May 2024. According to the new rules, parents who have two or more children at the same birth will each receive an additional 13 weeks of “earmarked” leave with parental benefits to be taken within 12 months of the birth. The bill also replaces the previous amendment to the Act on Childbirth-Related Leave, which entitled parents who have three or more children at the same birth to 26 weeks of additional leave with parental benefits to be taken within 18 months of the birth.

The additional leave can be transferred to social parents and close relatives subject to certain conditions. In addition, the bill contains minor adjustments to other parts of the Act on Childbirth-Related Leave, such as making the rules on extension of leave more flexible.

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