Der er brev!
Østre Landsret fandt, at en opsigelse afsendt til en medarbejder på den 120. sygedag, men efter udløbet af sædvanlig arbejdstid, overholdt betingelsen i 120-dagesreglen.
For specialiseret til storrum?
Det var ikke en væsentlig vilkårsændring, at en HK-assistent blev rykket fra et enkeltmandskontor til et storrumskontor og samtidig fik ændret sin opgaveportefølje.
Forslag til ændring af lov om ligestilling af kvinder og mænd og lov om ligebehandling af mænd og kvinder med hensyn til beskæftigelse m.v. fremsat
Ministeren for ligestilling har fremsat lovforslag, hvori der foreslås en række regelforenklinger med det formål at lette administrationen i den offentlige sektor.
Om arbejdstilladelser til havs
Tredjelandsstatsborgere, der arbejdede på et udenlandsk skib i Nordsøen, skulle have dansk arbejdstilladelse, fordi de befandt sig på den danske kontinentalsokkel.
Non-competition clause was forfeited
An employer could not obtain an injunction against a former employee performing consultancy work for a competitor. The district court found that the employer had forfeited the opportunity to enforce the non-competition clause, and the high court dismissed the appeal because the restricted period had expired.
Employment or favour for a friend? Judgment by the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has established that the concept of ”employment” in the Aliens Act must be interpreted very broadly. A bicycle dealer was fined DKK 10,000 because one of his friends who did not have a work permit had helped him carry a few bikes into the bike shop.
Reason for dismissal was off the mark
An employer’s wish to help a dismissed employee by giving an incorrect dismissal reason in the termination letter could not lead to the principle of equal treatment not being breached.
Registration of working hours – changes to the Executive Order on Rest Periods etc. submitted for consultation
Draft amendments to the Executive Order on Rest Periods and the Executive Order on Systematic Working Environment Work have been submitted for consultation. Among other things, it is proposed to align the exemption for the so-called self-organisers.
Non-competition clause was forfeited
An employer could not obtain an injunction against a former employee performing consultancy work for a competitor. The district court found that the employer had forfeited the opportunity to enforce the non-competition clause, and the high court dismissed the appeal because the restricted period had expired.
Employment or favour for a friend? Judgment by the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has established that the concept of ”employment” in the Aliens Act must be interpreted very broadly. A bicycle dealer was fined DKK 10,000 because one of his friends who did not have a work permit had helped him carry a few bikes into the bike shop.
Reason for dismissal was off the mark
An employer’s wish to help a dismissed employee by giving an incorrect dismissal reason in the termination letter could not lead to the principle of equal treatment not being breached.
Registration of working hours – changes to the Executive Order on Rest Periods etc. submitted for consultation
Draft amendments to the Executive Order on Rest Periods and the Executive Order on Systematic Working Environment Work have been submitted for consultation. Among other things, it is proposed to align the exemption for the so-called self-organisers.