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Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding er fortsat topplaceret

Ranking-publikationen Legal 500, der hvert år foretager en vurdering af de bedste advokater og advokatfirmaer, udgav for nylig deres rankings inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten i Danmark for 2024. Norrbom Vinding anerkendes bl.a. med ordene “Leading specialists on employment law matters” og “The team is composed of very knowledgeable lawyers, who are experts in their fields”.

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Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding is still ranked at the top

The ranking publication Legal 500, which each year evaluates the best lawyers and law firms, has just published their rankings in the field of labour and employment law in Denmark for 2023. Norrbom Vinding is recognised with the words “excellent boutique labour law practice”

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Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding is still ranked at the top

The ranking publication Legal 500, which each year evaluates the best lawyers and law firms, has just published their rankings in the field of labour and employment law in Denmark for 2023. Norrbom Vinding is recognised with the words “excellent boutique labour law practice”

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