Handicap eller almindeligt sygefravær?
Det var ikke forskelsbehandling, da en sygeplejerske blev afskediget som følge af langvarigt sygefravær, da det ikke var bevist, at sygefraværet skyldtes sygeplejerskens handicap.
Afskediget på grund af opgavebortfald
Det var sagligt at afskedige en medarbejder som følge af opgavebortfald, selvom dette skete i forbindelse med hendes tilbagevenden fra barselsorlov.
Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding er fortsat topplaceret
Ranking-publikationen Legal 500, der hvert år foretager en vurdering af de bedste advokater og advokatfirmaer, udgav for nylig deres rankings inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten i Danmark for 2024. Norrbom Vinding anerkendes bl.a. med ordene “Leading specialists on employment law matters” og “The team is composed of very knowledgeable lawyers, who are experts in their fields”.
Overenskomst eller ej?
Ifølge Arbejdsretten havde en lokalaftale ikke opnået status som overenskomst, og arbejdsgiver kunne derfor godt opsige aftalen som en lokalaftale.
Gender composition of management – updated guidelines
The Danish Business Authority has published updated guidelines on target figures and policies for the gender composition of management and for reporting on this issue.
Christian K. Clasen is new Managing Partner at Norrbom Vinding
Jørgen Vinding looks forward to dedicating his time to clients and business development.
Bill on preventing and tackling sexual harassment
The Ministry of Employment recently introduced a bill aiming to implement parts of the tripartite agreement on combatting sexual harassment in the workplace, but the 1 November general election means legislative progress is currently on hold.
Mariann Norrbom 1949-2022
Mariann Norrbom, co-founder and previous Managing Partner of Norrbom Vinding, has passed away at age 73 after a long period of illness. Even though Mariann retired almost six years ago, her work and spirit still shine bright at our firm.Mariann was...
Gender composition of management – updated guidelines
The Danish Business Authority has published updated guidelines on target figures and policies for the gender composition of management and for reporting on this issue.
Christian K. Clasen is new Managing Partner at Norrbom Vinding
Jørgen Vinding looks forward to dedicating his time to clients and business development.
Bill on preventing and tackling sexual harassment
The Ministry of Employment recently introduced a bill aiming to implement parts of the tripartite agreement on combatting sexual harassment in the workplace, but the 1 November general election means legislative progress is currently on hold.
Mariann Norrbom 1949-2022
Mariann Norrbom, co-founder and previous Managing Partner of Norrbom Vinding, has passed away at age 73 after a long period of illness. Even though Mariann retired almost six years ago, her work and spirit still shine bright at our firm.Mariann was...