Med virkning fra den 1. januar 2025 er Sara Baldus optaget som associeret partner hos Norrbom Vinding.
IEL Elite 2025: Norrbom Vinding blandt verdens førende inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesret
I går offentliggjorde IEL deres ”Elite 2025”-guide, som har udvalgt verdens 151 førende internationale og nationale advokatfirmaer, herunder nichefirmaer, inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten. Norrbom Vinding er blandt disse firmaer.
Østre Landsret har i dag afsagt dom i klagesag efter undersøgelsesforløb gennemført for TV 2 Danmark
Landsretten stadfæster Advokatnævnets kendelse, og managing partner Christian K. Clasen udtaler i den anledning: ”Vi må konstatere, at landsretten har valgt at opretholde Advokatnævnets kendelse i sagen. Det resultat er vi overraskede over. Nu vil vi...
Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding er fortsat topplaceret
Ranking-publikationen Legal 500, der hvert år foretager en vurdering af de bedste advokater og advokatfirmaer, udgav for nylig deres rankings inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten i Danmark for 2024. Norrbom Vinding anerkendes bl.a. med ordene “Leading specialists on employment law matters” og “The team is composed of very knowledgeable lawyers, who are experts in their fields”.
Chambers Europe har offentliggjort rankings for 2024
Chambers Europe topplacerer igen i år Norrbom Vinding på deres liste over førende advokatvirksomheder inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten i Danmark.
Ius Laboris-firmaer høster anerkendelse fra Chambers Europe og Legal 500 EMEA
Vi er stolte over at være en del af Ius Laboris, Global HR Lawyers, og glæder os over den anerkendelse, som en lang række medlemsfirmaer og advokater har modtaget igen i år.
Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding er fortsat placeret helt i top
Ranking-publikationen Legal 500, der hvert år vurderer de bedste advokater og advokatfirmaer, har netop udgivet deres rankings inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten i Danmark for 2023. Norrbom Vinding anerkendes bl.a. med ordene “excellent boutique labour law practice”.
Chambers Europe 2023 giver topkarakterer til Norrbom Vinding
Chambers Europe placerer igen i år Norrbom Vinding helt i front i sin vurdering af danske advokatvirksomheder inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten: ”Norrbom Vinding remains an Employment Powerhouse”.
Tak for opmærksomheden ved vores 25-årsjubilæum
Det var til stor glæde for alle i Norrbom Vinding at se så mange samarbejdspartnere, klienter og venner af huset i fredags til vores 25-årsjubilæumreception. Vi værdsætter alle de varme lykønskninger, gaver og donationer til vores pro bono-samarbejdspartnere Læger uden Grænser og PlanBørnefonden, vi har modtaget.
Christian K. Clasen er ny managing partner hos Norrbom Vinding
Jørgen Vinding glæder sig til at dedikere sin tid til klienter og forretningsudvikling.
Sara Baldus appointed as associate partner
As of 1 January 2025, Sara Baldus has been promoted to associate partner at Norrbom Vinding.
Redeployment as an appropriate measure
The Supreme Court has ruled that a disabled employee in the Capital Region of Denmark should have been considered for redeployment to another vacant position outside the place of work.
News from Ius Laboris
New publication about workplace data privacy and new member firms in Austria and Uruguay.
At work, or on the way to work?
The Appeals Permission Board has given the Supreme Court the opportunity to decide a case about whether an industrial injury sustained by an employee on the way to work is covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act.
Supreme Court: No employment, no coverage by LG
The Supreme Court has established that a pilot who had worked for an airline through employment with another company could not have his claim for unpaid salary covered by the Employees’ Guarantee Fund (LG) when the airline went into bankruptcy.
IEL Elite 2025: Norrbom Vinding among the world’s leading labour and employment law practices
Yesterday, the IEL published their Elite 2025 guide, which lists the world’s 151 leading international, national and boutique labour and employment law firms. Norrbom Vinding is among these firms.
You’ve got mail!
The Eastern High Court found that a termination letter sent to an employee on the 120th day of illness, but after the end of the employee’s normal working hours, complied with the 120-day rule.
Travel allowance was part of the salary
The European Court of Justice found that it did not constitute gender discrimination that flight crew and cabin crew did not receive the same daily subsistence allowances even though they worked on the same aircrafts.
Trick or treat?
It was discrimination on the grounds of religion when a day care centre required a childcare assistant who was a Jehovah’s Witness to wear a costume for the centre’s Shrovetide party.
Summary dismissal for breach of the duty of confidentiality
A social and healthcare worker’s disclosure of confidential information to the daughter of a citizen did not justify summary dismissal.