En kommune blev frifundet for to borgeres krav om tortgodtgørelse i forbindelse med en sag, hvor en kommunalpolitikers barn blev anbragt uden for hjemmet.
Årsagssammenhæng over tid
Der var ikke årsagssammenhæng mellem en omsorgsmedhjælpers arbejdsulykke og et efterfølgende sygefravær og indtægtstab.
Svømmepigesagen endeligt afgjort
Kommune frifundet i Højesteret for en borgers krav om tortgodtgørelse for manglende tildeling af en social ydelse.
Vurderingen af erhvervsevnetabet var i vinkel
En tidligere arbejdsgivers skøn over og udbetaling af erhvervsevnetabserstatning frigjorde arbejdsgiveren for forpligtelsen til at betale yderligere erstatning for tabt arbejdsfortjeneste, selvom Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervssikring (midlertidigt) havde fastsat erhvervsevnetabet 10 % højere end den tidligere arbejdsgiver.
Erstatningsansvarlig for mobning
En region blev fundet erstatningsansvarlig for en medarbejders arbejdsskade, idet der ikke i tilstrækkelig grad var iværksat initiativer mod mobning.
Rod i regnskabet
Selvom en hjemmevejleder ikke kunne dokumentere, hvad to udviklingshæmmede borgeres penge var anvendt til, var det ikke godtgjort, at de ikke var kommet borgerne til gode.
Advocate General proposes annulment of the Directive on adequate minimum wages
On 14 January 2025, the Advocate General proposed that the CJEU annul the EU Directive on adequate minimum wages.
Sara Baldus appointed as associate partner
As of 1 January 2025, Sara Baldus has been promoted to associate partner at Norrbom Vinding.
Redeployment as an appropriate measure
The Supreme Court has ruled that a disabled employee in the Capital Region of Denmark should have been considered for redeployment to another vacant position outside the place of work.
News from Ius Laboris
New publication about workplace data privacy and new member firms in Austria and Uruguay.
At work, or on the way to work?
The Appeals Permission Board has given the Supreme Court the opportunity to decide a case about whether an industrial injury sustained by an employee on the way to work is covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act.
Supreme Court: No employment, no coverage by LG
The Supreme Court has established that a pilot who had worked for an airline through employment with another company could not have his claim for unpaid salary covered by the Employees’ Guarantee Fund (LG) when the airline went into bankruptcy.
IEL Elite 2025: Norrbom Vinding among the world’s leading labour and employment law practices
Yesterday, the IEL published their Elite 2025 guide, which lists the world’s 151 leading international, national and boutique labour and employment law firms. Norrbom Vinding is among these firms.
You’ve got mail!
The Eastern High Court found that a termination letter sent to an employee on the 120th day of illness, but after the end of the employee’s normal working hours, complied with the 120-day rule.
Travel allowance was part of the salary
The European Court of Justice found that it did not constitute gender discrimination that flight crew and cabin crew did not receive the same daily subsistence allowances even though they worked on the same aircrafts.
Trick or treat?
It was discrimination on the grounds of religion when a day care centre required a childcare assistant who was a Jehovah’s Witness to wear a costume for the centre’s Shrovetide party.