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Adgang forbudt for uvedkommende

Datatilsynet har udtalt kritik af et universitet, fordi det i en ukendt periode havde været muligt for uvedkommende at tilgå personoplysninger om universitets medarbejdere gennem et af universitetets IT-systemer.

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Did the employer show care or inaction?

A security company had not forfeited the right to summarily dismiss an employee, even though the company did not summarily dismiss the employee until more than 3 weeks after the company became aware that the employee had set up and operated a competing business.

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Non-competition clause was forfeited

An employer could not obtain an injunction against a former employee performing consultancy work for a competitor. The district court found that the employer had forfeited the opportunity to enforce the non-competition clause, and the high court dismissed the appeal because the restricted period had expired.

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