Ændring af barselsvilkår udløste godtgørelse
En gravid medarbejder havde krav på godtgørelse efter ligebehandlingsloven som følge af en væsentlig ændring af hendes barselsvilkår, uanset hun ikke var fratrådt sin stilling.
Højesteret har talt: Godtgørelse uden medregning af fleksløntilskud
Højesteret har i to netop afgjorte sager taget stilling til, hvordan en ansættelsesretlig godtgørelse til en fleksjobansat medarbejder under ”ny” ordning skal udmåles. Ligesom i hovedparten af de seneste års landsretsdomme fandt Højesteret, at godtgørelse skal beregnes med udgangspunkt i arbejdsgivers lønudgift og dermed uden hensyntagen til det fleksløntilskud, medarbejderen modtager direkte fra sin bopælskommune.
Kvindelige laboranter vs. mandlige teknikere
Lønforskellen mellem laboranter og teknikere i virksomheden Novozymes var ikke i strid med ligelønsloven, idet medarbejderne ikke befandt sig i en sammenlignelig situation i arbejdsmæssig henseende.
Forlænget barsel til tvillingeforældre – lovforslag om ændring af barselsloven fremsat
Regeringen har fremsat et lovforslag, der implementerer den politiske aftale om 13 ugers ekstra orlov med barselsdagpenge til tvillingeforældre og adoptanter.
Was whistleblower exempt from criminal liability?
A public-sector employee who had disclosed confidential information to a journalist about a municipality’s case management was not exempt from criminal liability.
Working week did not exceed 48 hours
A marketing manager’s working time statements were not sufficient evidence of breach of the 48-hour working time rule.
Rematerialization: artistic happening or reason for summary dismissal?
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts was justified in summarily dismissing a postdoc who pushed a plaster bust of Frederick V into the Copenhagen harbour.
LGBTI bill adopted
Parliament recently adopted the bill to amend the Anti-Discrimination Act, the Equal Treatment Act, etc. that was introduced by the Ministry of Employment in October 2021.
Was whistleblower exempt from criminal liability?
A public-sector employee who had disclosed confidential information to a journalist about a municipality’s case management was not exempt from criminal liability.
Working week did not exceed 48 hours
A marketing manager’s working time statements were not sufficient evidence of breach of the 48-hour working time rule.
Rematerialization: artistic happening or reason for summary dismissal?
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts was justified in summarily dismissing a postdoc who pushed a plaster bust of Frederick V into the Copenhagen harbour.
LGBTI bill adopted
Parliament recently adopted the bill to amend the Anti-Discrimination Act, the Equal Treatment Act, etc. that was introduced by the Ministry of Employment in October 2021.