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Ny ansættelsesbevislov

Den nye lov om ansættelsesbeviser og visse ansættelsesvilkår træder i kraft den 1. juli 2023. På webinaret gennemgår vi de nye regler og sætter fokus på, hvordan HR kan komme i mål med compliance.

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Non-competition clause was forfeited

An employer could not obtain an injunction against a former employee performing consultancy work for a competitor. The district court found that the employer had forfeited the opportunity to enforce the non-competition clause, and the high court dismissed the appeal because the restricted period had expired.

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Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding continues to be top-ranked

The Legal 500 recently released their 2024 rankings for labour and employment law in Denmark. Norrbom Vinding maintains the position as top-ranked and is e.g. described as “Leading specialists on employment law matters” and “The team is composed of very knowledgeable lawyers, who are experts in their fields”.

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