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Legal 500 placerer igen i år Norrbom Vinding helt i top
Ranking publikationen Legal 500 har netop offentliggjort sin vurdering af danske advokater bl.a. inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesret for 2021.
Norrbom Vinding er placeret som førende firma i Danmark og advokaterne Christian K. Clasen, Yvonne Frederiksen og Jørgen Vinding ”rankes” alle som ”recommended” og dette således, at Yvonne Frederiksen og Jørgen Vinding er placeret i topkategorien ”Hall of Fame”. Derudover nævnes Søren Skjerbek, Torben Mølgaard Hededal og Rikke Falk Dambo som nøgleadvokater.
Den fulde ranking kan du læse her, men den indeholder bl.a. såkaldte ”testimonials”, som følger her:
‘I have regularly worked together with Yvonne Frederikson and am very pleased with her practical knowledge and reactivity.’
‘They are very proactive and up-to-date in their employment law advice. They always do their best to promote the clients’ interest.’
‘Yvonne Frederiksen and Rikke Falk Dambo deserve special recognition for their ability to handle complex employment law assignments and lead different employment law-related projects.’
‘Norrbom Vinding is outstanding in all aspects; first of all highly skilled lawyers but also a professional approach, client-focused and hands-on advice.’
‘Good understanding of my company and the issues we have.’
‘In particular, I would like to point out partners Yvonne Frederiksen and Rikke Falk Dambo who are, apart from being very skilled lawyers, extremely engaged, client-focused and nice to work with.’
‘The team solves problems pragmatically, with an eye for economically viable solutions and at the same time legally secure.’”
Indholdet i ovenstående nyhedstekst er ikke og kan ikke erstatte juridisk rådgivning.