




Om os


19.03.2021 | Om os

Skrevet af

Jørgen Vinding
Partner LLM

Chambers Europe 2021 topranker Norrbom Vinding

Chambers Europe placerer igen i år Norrbom Vinding helt i front i sin analyse af danske advokatvirksomheder inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten – og kalder på ny Norrbom Vinding Danmarks ”Employment Powerhouse”.

Samtidig er advokat Jørgen Vinding igen som eneste danske advokat ranket i topkategorien ”Eminent Practitioner” inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesret.

Chambers Europe udkommer en gang om året med sin vurdering af europæiske advokatmarkeder baseret på interviews med klienter og konkurrenter.

Du kan læse hele rankingen her:

What the team is known for
Employment powerhouse with practitioners specialised in all areas of labour law. Advises public sector clients on discrimination cases and investigations into employee misconduct. Handles collective redundancies arising from restructuring processes. Advises employers on the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements with trade unions and contract negotiations. Also assists with employment-related disputes.

Sources describe the firm’s lawyers as “market leaders” in the Danish employment market.

Work highlights
Advised SAS Group on collective bargaining agreements.

Notable practitioners
Christian Clasen is “responsive and knows how to provide practical advice,” according to satisfied clients. He advises on collective bargaining agreements, wage compensation schemes and pension-related class action lawsuits

The “outstanding”
Jørgen Vinding commands respect for his extensive experience in the employment field. His expertise covers a wide array of employment mandates, including harassment claims, dismissals and negotiations with trade unions.

Yvonne Frederiksen attracts praise for her particular expertise in workplace discrimination disputes. She is also well placed to advise on health and safety issues, as well as on restructuring processes including related collective redundancies.

Indholdet i ovenstående nyhedstekst er ikke og kan ikke erstatte juridisk rådgivning.