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The Government’s legislative programme for 2024/2025

The first Tuesday of October marked the start of the new parliamentary year and, in the usual way, the Government introduced its legislative programme for the parliamentary year 2024/2025. 

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Rebekka Bormann Thorn

Ditte Luja Aaskov

Below we have listed the bills from the legislative programme that are especially relevant to the area of labour and employment law. As always, we are following the legislative process in Parliament and will provide updates when there are new developments.

Implementation of the Gender Balance Directive
In order to achieve a more equal representation of women and men among board members in major listed public limited companies, the Government will table a bill proposing full implementation of the Gender Balance Directive, so that companies are subject to a target for the proportion of board members of the underrepresented gender of 40% of the positions in the top management body.

Enforcement of the regulation harmonising rules on artificial intelligence
The Government seeks to ensure effective enforcement of the regulation harmonising rules on artificial intelligence of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, which is directly applicable in Denmark. In order to apply the regulation, the Government intends to introduce a bill to supplement the provisions of the regulation by giving supervisory authorities the authority to impose sanctions for breaches of the regulation.

Implementation of parts of the agreement on strengthened efforts against social dumping etc.
With this bill, the Government aims to introduce authority for the Working Environment Authority to be able to close down construction sites where businesses repeatedly violate the Working Environment Act involving a considerable risk to the health or safety of employees.

Strengthened efforts against illegal labour
In order to strengthen efforts against the use of illegal labour, the Government plans to present a bill that will, among other things, introduce requirements for additional information in the Register of Foreign Service Providers (RUT).

Extension of the Ukraine Special Act
As follow-up to the agreement on legislation for displaced persons from Ukraine, the Government will table a bill to ensure that persons with residence permits under the Ukraine Special Act will have their residence permits extended corresponding to the extension decided by the EU in June 2024 for the corresponding EU residence basis for displaced persons from Ukraine.

Follow-up on agreement to enact freedom of speech for public-sector employees
The Government intends to table a bill aimed at enacting the current rules on freedom of speech for public-sector employees.

Simplification of rules to ease administration in the public sector
The Government will propose a bill to simplify a number of rules in the Gender Equality Act in order to ease administration in the public sector, including the abolition of gender equality statements and simplification of rules on the gender composition of boards of directors. Among other things, the bill follows up on the “Agreement on local government finances for 2024” in which the Government and Local Government Denmark (KL) agreed a multi-year collaboration programme to support municipalities in their efforts to reduce administrative costs.

Earlier this year, the Ministry of Digital Government and Gender Equality submitted a draft bill for consultation. Our article on the bill can be read here.

The Government’s full legislative programme can be found here (in Danish).

The content of the above is not, and should not be a substitute for legal advice.