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New publication from Ius Laboris

The publication provides insight into some of the most interesting international trends seen in relation to employment law and the workforce of the future and, thus, harnesses the great knowledge and expertise of Ius Laboris lawyers in 56 member countries. 

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Sara Baldus

Ius Laboris recently published the fifth edition of the publication “Forces for Change: Workforce of the Future”. The report includes a comprehensive analysis of how emerging trends are reshaping the workplace. From the ethical drive of Generation Z to the challenges of an ageing workforce, the report covers the spectrum of changes influencing today’s and tomorrow’s work environments.

Together with eight lawyers from other Ius Laboris firms, Senior Associate Sara Baldus has contributed to an article exploring how an ageing population is an irreversible global trend that risks posing continuous challenges over the next few decades. Pension systems, designed when populations were younger and life expectancy shorter, are now under immense pressure. To mitigate the impact of an ageing population, a raft of measures are being implemented around the world with a view to amending pension legislation and updating regulations to adapt to the changing demographics.

The report can be downloaded free of charge on the Ius Laboris website: iuslaboris.com/serie/forces-for-change/

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