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About us




We depend on your knowledge



Whether cultivated internally or recruited externally, Norrbom Vinding’s associates make up our profile as a specialist labour and employment law firm.

We believe you can never learn too much.

When you are admitted to practise law, you begin building your profile as a specialist lawyer at Norrbom Vinding. This means that your assignments will be tailored to your individual interests.

You will learn by consulting and working closely with partners and peers. Gradually, you will come to manage your own clients and be given responsibility for specific areas.

You will need to see the world to get to know your speciality in depth. That is why we will support you if you want to go abroad, eg to take an LLM. Through Ius Laboris, our international alliance, we will help you if you want to spend time at a law firm abroad.
And we will help you sharpen your knowledge and network in the industry by encouraging you to teach, attend courses and seminars and generally involve yourself in professional associations. All of Norrbom Vinding's associates are members of the Danish Society for Labour Law and the Danish Association of Employment Lawyers. We will also encourage you to participate in at least one international conference every year to build an international network and broaden your outlook.

“I’ve worked at Norrbom Vinding first as a legal intern, then as a junior associate and now as an associate. In all three positions, I’ve experienced a great sense of community, both professionally and socially, and everyone knows each other here. This is a characteristic that means a lot to me in a busy day-to-day life..

Norrbom Vinding has a completely flat organisational hierarchy, where – regardless of your position – you can consult everyone from associates to partners. This provides excellent opportunities for both professional and personal growth. The same is true of our types of cases, as – right from the start of the junior associate period – there is a lot of freedom to try out different specialisms according to your own interests and wishes. For example, I’ve assisted clients in matters about everything from major international reorganisations to implementing policies and advising on the processes of hiring and dismissing employees.

If you want a versatile work life with an opportunity to both immerse yourself in complicated cases and provide ongoing advice to – and have direct contact with – clients, Norrbom Vinding is the right place for you.”

– Christian Thorborg, Associate

“I’ve worked at Norrbom Vinding first as a legal intern, then as a junior associate and now as an associate. In all three positions, I’ve experienced a great sense of community, both professionally and socially, and everyone knows each other here. This is a characteristic that means a lot to me in a busy day-to-day life..

I Norrbom Vinding er der et helt fladt hierarki, hvor man – uanset hvilken stilling man sidder i – kan søge sparring hos alle lige fra fuldmægtige til partnere. Det giver rigtig god mulighed for såvel faglig som personlig udvikling. Det samme gælder vores sagstyper, idet der lige fra starten af fuldmægtigperioden er en høj grad af frihed til at afprøve forskellige sagsområder alt efter egne  interesser og ønsker. Jeg har fx bistået klienter i alt lige fra store internationale omstruktureringsprojekter til implementering af politikker samt rådgivning  vedrørende processerne omkring ansættelse og afskedigelse af medarbejdere.

If you want a versatile work life with an opportunity to both immerse yourself in complicated cases and provide ongoing advice to – and have direct contact with – clients, Norrbom Vinding is the right place for you.”

– Christian Thorborg, Associate