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About us


Other functions


Norrbom Vinding believes in unity and cohesion. That is why we recognise the value of our non-legal specialists.



Our employees include academics and specialists in foreign languages, the humanities and information technology to support our fee-earning activities. Our other employees are office services and finance and accounting functions. The secretarial group is the administrative backbone of the firm.

In the same way we encourage our associates to seek new knowledge abroad, we encourage our academic and administrative staff to go on study trips abroad. And we support them in their professional development if they want to take courses and seminars or a formal degree within the professional framework which exists in their particular field.

We also offer in-house training on a continuous basis - and in many areas. We organise language training, upgrade our employees' IT skills, and conduct team building sessions and communication courses. And, of course, we also provide training in legal topics.

We know that knowledge is a never-ending quest. Our employees network via groups of like-minded professionals to spread and acquire the latest knowledge. We analyse current trends and act on them if they are interesting.