Torben Mølgaard Hededal
Partner LLM

Torben advises on all aspects of employment law and its interface with company law, stock exchange law, tax law and social security, but his areas of special interest are:
- Advising the financial sector, including on issues relating to material risk takers and control functions
- International employment, including expatriation, repatriation and other types of cross-border employment
- Recruitment and dismissal of executives
- Alternative remuneration structures such as bonus, share-based pay and flexible remuneration packages
Practice areas
Employment law
Contracts, dismissals, changes to terms and conditions, post-termination restrictions, etc. We advise on all aspects of employment law
In many cases, labour and employment law issues cannot be assessed only from a labour and employment law perspective
Post-termination restrictions
Restrictions – the many challenges
Bonus & incentives
Pay packages today are often composed of a number of elements. As a result, there is an increasing need for legal advice – both in relation to determining the different elements and addressing the many challenges and issues
Tax & social security
Labour and employment law matters should not only be regarded in a labour and employment law perspective
I recently
- assisted a number of Danish and foreign multinationals with amending and implementing their share-based remuneration programmes
- advised financial institutions on remuneration policies and how to identify material risk takers
- advised a company in the offshore industry about social security in relation to employees working on the continental shelves of different EU countries
- advised an air transport company on a number of social security issues for employees resident in Denmark or abroad
- advised a multitude of companies on issues concerning employment law, tax and social security relating to international employment
Qualifications and experience
Norrbom Vinding, Partner
Norrbom Vinding, Associate
Right of audience in the High Court
2000 – 2001
California Western School of Law, USA, LLM
1994 – 2002
Kromann Reumert, Junior Associate and Associate