Lisbeth Christensen

Legal Secretary

Lisbeth is secretary to Yvonne Frederiksen, Elsebeth Aaes-Jørgensen, Laura Kristine Bosse, Selma Carøe and Dorthea Bisgaard Vase and has the following special responsibilities:

  • General casework, including correspondence, opening new files in the case management system, closing files, etc.
  • Contact to clients, lawyers and the courts
  • Correction of correspondence, pleadings, reports and opinions
  • Assistant co-ordinator of breakfast briefings and the annual international HR conference
  • Internal IT contact person

Qualifications and experience

  1. 2012

    Advanced corrections and proofreading course, Danske Sprogseminarer

  2. 2010

    Norrbom Vinding, Legal Secretary

  3. 2008

    Qualified legal secretary, Advokaternes Serviceselskab A/S

  4. 2006 – 2009

    Norrbom Vinding, Reception

  5. 1999 – 2006

    Mærsk Air and Sterling, Stewardess