

Practice areas



About us


Public law

Norrbom Vinding advises large parts of the public sector as well as organisations and bodies that are fully or partly subject to public law

We have assisted public-sector organisations both in their capacity as employers and in their capacity as authorities.

Norrbom Vinding represents public authorities when they are subject to complaints or legal actions regarding defective or erroneous decisions and when they institute proceedings, including cases regarding wrongfully received benefits.

Typically, such cases involve legal fields that are heavily regulated by a complex set of rules and require understanding and respect for the fact that authorities and publicly owned companies have a special role in society and are either managed or governed politically.

We also provide general legal advice on issues concerning administrative law and public law as they relate to the exercise of authority and proper administration.

Over the years, we have handled cases in a variety of legal fields. For example, we have:

  • advised and conducted cases on public authorities’ liability for damages and administrative law issues. We have, for instance, been involved in cases concerning claims for benefits under the Local Government Act, the Social Services Act, the Act on Primary and Lower Secondary School, the Sickness Benefits Act and the right to a flex job
  • assisted authorities in responding to requests for access to documents in accordance with the Access to Information Act
  • advised and conducted cases on the right to reimbursement between municipalities
  • assisted public authorities in cases on recovery of benefits wrongfully received, including remuneration to foster families, benefits under the Public Information Act and loss of earnings for local politicians
  • conducted liability cases involving the interface between national law and human rights law. More information on the latter can be found here
  • advised on rights under the Constitutional Act, including expropriation
  • provided advice on issues relating to the structure and articles of association of public companies and associations
  • assisted authorities in managing self-governing institutions
  • assisted equal-representation bodies in connection with legal actions to appeal decisions in the medical practice sector
  • advised on procurement law issues
  • represented the interests of public authorities in cases before the National Social Appeals Board and the Parliamentary Ombudsman
  • for 25 years, we have conducted a wide range of legal investigations and inquiries as well as processes of a similar nature within the public sector in the municipal, regional and state areas. Read more here


Jørgen Vinding

Jørgen Vinding

Partner LLM

T      +45 35 25 39 56

M     +45 20 29 96 03

Elsebeth Aaes-Jørgensen

Elsebeth Aaes-Jørgensen

Partner LLM

T      +45 35 25 39 79
M     +45 29 46 56 25

Søren Skjerbek

Søren Skjerbek

Partner LLM

T      +45 35 25 53 57
M     +45 61 22 74 64