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Jubilæumsgratiale til alle

Det var i strid med forskelsbehandlingsloven at udbetale et lavere jubilæumsgratiale til en deltidsansat medarbejder, fordi medarbejderen kun kunne arbejde på deltid på grund af sit handicap.

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I øst som i vest – den der tier, samtykker

Østre Landsret har i lighed med Vestre Landsret fastslået, at det er en forudsætning, for at en medarbejder kan betragte sig som opsagt grundet en væsentlig vilkårsændring, at medarbejderen ikke fortsætter i stillingen uden at reagere på ændringen.

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Marketing i modvind

Det var sagligt at afskedige en marketingmedarbejder på grund af besparelser, der skyldtes coronakrisen, uanset at medarbejderen var på barselsorlov.

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Legal 500: Norrbom Vinding is still ranked at the top

The ranking publication Legal 500, which each year evaluates the best lawyers and law firms, has just published their rankings in the field of labour and employment law in Denmark for 2023. Norrbom Vinding is recognised with the words “excellent boutique labour law practice”

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Mariann Norrbom ­ 1949-2022

Mariann Norrbom, co-founder and previous Managing Partner of Norrbom Vinding, has passed away at age 73 after a long period of illness. Even though Mariann retired almost six years ago, her work and spirit still shine bright at our firm.Mariann was...

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Take time to consider

The Board of Equal Treatment has heard two complaints about whether it was contrary to the Anti-Discrimination Act to refuse to employ candidates with a disability. In the first case, the Board found that the company had met its duty to accommodate; in the other case, the company had not.

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