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The Government and a majority of the parties in Parliament have reached an agreement on implementation of the EU Work-Life Balance Directive.
A firefighter’s food breaks, during which he was at the employer’s disposal, constituted working hours.
The Government and the social partners have made a tripartite agreement to reintroduce the statutory basis for employers to require that employees be tested for COVID-19.
In two recent cases, the ECJ has ruled on the framework for renewal of fixed-term employment contracts.
The Government’s legislative programme for 2021/2022 includes a number of bills that are expected to have an impact on most employers in the coming parliamentary year.
It was not contrary to the Anti-Discrimination Act when a school decided to dismiss a physical education teacher who refused to attend work on a Saturday due to religion.
The Supreme Court recently upheld a high court judgment, establishing that it was okay to summarily dismiss an employee who refused to participate in a sickness absence interview.
The ECJ has recently ruled in two new cases on the framework for banning the wearing of religious signs at the workplace.
Justified summary dismissal of a salaried employee did not deprive him of the right to compensation for unfair dismissal.
In a recent judgment, the ECJ held that employers are obligated to provide equal pay for work of equal value across establishments.