Ingen tillidsrepræsentant uden overenskomst – Højesterets dom
Højesteret har stadfæstet Østre Landsrets dom, som fastslog, at en tillidsrepræsentants funktion ophørte på tidspunktet for en virksomhedsoverdragelse, fordi erhververen havde frasagt sig overenskomsten.
Ny bekendtgørelse om systematisk arbejdsmiljøarbejde
De nye regler om systematisk arbejdsmiljøarbejde skal styrke samarbejdet om sikkerhed og sundhed på arbejdspladserne ved blandt andet at gøre APV’en til et mere aktivt redskab og tydeliggøre rollerne i AMO.
Justeringer i udlændingelovens erhvervsordninger – lovforslag sendt i høring
Udkast til et lovforslag, som indeholder forenklinger i nogle af udlændingelovens erhvervsordninger – bl.a. i forhold til kravet om dansk bankkonto – har været sendt i høring. Reglerne forventes at træde i kraft den 1. juli 2024.
Driftsmæssigt belastende sygefravær
Det var sagligt at afskedige en ingeniør som følge af omfanget af arbejdsbetinget sygefravær.
New executive order on psychological working environment
The Working Environment Authority has issued a new executive order compiling the applicable psychological working environment rules. The objective of the executive order is to clarify these rules for employers and employees.
Employees’ duty to provide information on inventions
An engineer had not duly informed his employer of an invention and had therefore failed to discharge his duty to provide information under the Act on Employee Inventions.
Legislative programme for the 2020/2021 parliamentary year
After a first half of the year dominated by COVID-19, the Government has published the legislative programme for the 2020/2021 parliamentary year.
Right of access to internal working documents? Must the names of employees be disclosed?
According to the Data Protection Agency, an insurance company was justified in not providing access to an internal working document as well as the names of the company’s employees to a former customer.
New executive order on psychological working environment
The Working Environment Authority has issued a new executive order compiling the applicable psychological working environment rules. The objective of the executive order is to clarify these rules for employers and employees.
Employees’ duty to provide information on inventions
An engineer had not duly informed his employer of an invention and had therefore failed to discharge his duty to provide information under the Act on Employee Inventions.
Legislative programme for the 2020/2021 parliamentary year
After a first half of the year dominated by COVID-19, the Government has published the legislative programme for the 2020/2021 parliamentary year.
Right of access to internal working documents? Must the names of employees be disclosed?
According to the Data Protection Agency, an insurance company was justified in not providing access to an internal working document as well as the names of the company’s employees to a former customer.