Justeringer i udlændingelovens erhvervsordninger – lovforslag sendt i høring
Udkast til et lovforslag, som indeholder forenklinger i nogle af udlændingelovens erhvervsordninger – bl.a. i forhold til kravet om dansk bankkonto – har været sendt i høring. Reglerne forventes at træde i kraft den 1. juli 2024.
Driftsmæssigt belastende sygefravær
Det var sagligt at afskedige en ingeniør som følge af omfanget af arbejdsbetinget sygefravær.
Omrokering på hjemmearbejdspladsen
En medarbejder var ikke omfattet af arbejdsskadesikringsloven, da hun i forbindelse med flytningen af et skrivebord på sin hjemmearbejdsplads på en fridag faldt og slog hovedet.
Kampen om skatteefterbetalingskravet
En håndboldklub blev dømt til at kompensere en spiller for det efterbetalingskrav i skat, som spilleren skulle betale, da spilleren ikke som forventet kunne beskattes under forskerskatteordningen under sit ansættelsesforhold hos klubben.
Must the Data Protection Agency be notified in case of an “internal” personal data breach?
The Data Protection Agency has expressed criticism of a municipality, inter alia, because the municipality had failed to notify a personal data breach to the Agency or communicate the breach to the affected employee.
Norrbom Vinding receives top ranking in Chambers Europe 2021
Chambers Europe recently released its 2021 rankings and, also this year, Norrbom Vinding – still being described as ”Employment Powerhouse” – is recognised as the leading firm in Denmark within labour and employment law.
Behind the employer’s back
The employer’s summary dismissal of a manager was justified, since the manager had entered into a contract with one of the employer’s business partners without the employer’s approval.
New executive order on psychological working environment
The Working Environment Authority has issued a new executive order compiling the applicable psychological working environment rules. The objective of the executive order is to clarify these rules for employers and employees.
Must the Data Protection Agency be notified in case of an “internal” personal data breach?
The Data Protection Agency has expressed criticism of a municipality, inter alia, because the municipality had failed to notify a personal data breach to the Agency or communicate the breach to the affected employee.
Norrbom Vinding receives top ranking in Chambers Europe 2021
Chambers Europe recently released its 2021 rankings and, also this year, Norrbom Vinding – still being described as ”Employment Powerhouse” – is recognised as the leading firm in Denmark within labour and employment law.
Behind the employer’s back
The employer’s summary dismissal of a manager was justified, since the manager had entered into a contract with one of the employer’s business partners without the employer’s approval.
New executive order on psychological working environment
The Working Environment Authority has issued a new executive order compiling the applicable psychological working environment rules. The objective of the executive order is to clarify these rules for employers and employees.