Chambers Europe har offentliggjort rankings for 2024
Chambers Europe topplacerer igen i år Norrbom Vinding på deres liste over førende advokatvirksomheder inden for arbejds- og ansættelsesretten i Danmark.
Færøsk overenskomstbestemmelse, der gik i fisk
Det var ikke i strid med internationale konventioner, da det færøske landsstyre vedtog en lov, der tilsidesatte dele af en færøsk fiskerioverenskomst.
Styrket beskyttelse af offentligt ansatte i aktindsigtssager – lovforslag fremsat
Justitsministeriet har fremsat et forslag til ændring af offentlighedsloven og forvaltningsloven med det formål at styrke beskyttelsen af offentligt ansatte i sager om aktindsigt.
Ændring af barselsvilkår udløste godtgørelse
En gravid medarbejder havde krav på godtgørelse efter ligebehandlingsloven som følge af en væsentlig ændring af hendes barselsvilkår, uanset hun ikke var fratrådt sin stilling.
No discrimination of reduced hours employees
It was not indirect discrimination to dismiss four reduced hours employees (“fleksjobbere”) as part of cost-saving measures because they lacked essential core skills.
Same owner but no identity in terms of labour law
A company was entitled to renounce a collective agreement in connection with a merger. That was the decision by the presiding Labour Court judge in this case.
One misstep
Employees’ protection against dismissal during illness arising from an injury suffered at the workplace is not conditional on the employer knowing at the time of dismissal that it was the employee’s injury that led to the illness.
Whistleblower schemes – bill adopted
The act implementing the whistleblower Directive into Danish law has been finally passed, and the Parliament has decided that Danish groups of companies can establish a joint whistleblower scheme (at least for the time being).
No discrimination of reduced hours employees
It was not indirect discrimination to dismiss four reduced hours employees (“fleksjobbere”) as part of cost-saving measures because they lacked essential core skills.
Same owner but no identity in terms of labour law
A company was entitled to renounce a collective agreement in connection with a merger. That was the decision by the presiding Labour Court judge in this case.
One misstep
Employees’ protection against dismissal during illness arising from an injury suffered at the workplace is not conditional on the employer knowing at the time of dismissal that it was the employee’s injury that led to the illness.
Whistleblower schemes – bill adopted
The act implementing the whistleblower Directive into Danish law has been finally passed, and the Parliament has decided that Danish groups of companies can establish a joint whistleblower scheme (at least for the time being).